Sarah Palin - the Thanksgiving edition
It's likely there's not a whole lot of folks who will get to see this in my particular venue, because I know Thanksgiving is one of my slowest readership days of the year. But many others will hopefully see this from wherever they're watching television.
Since I'm writing this in advance (my real plans are to enjoy the holiday with some good friends of mine in Delaware) I'm not quite sure if they're having turkey or the famous moose chili. But whatever you do have, be sure to ignore whatever diet you have for one day, root for your favorite team (Go Lions! Yeah, they're playing Tennessee, so you can see one NFL team anyway), and don't forget to actually give thanks!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh, before I go, here's some reaction to the commercials from MSNBC. Maybe you're polishing off one of those turkeys from the now-infamous Palin turkey pardoning in the background.
Just imagine if Sarah shot and field-dressed a moose on-air too.
CNN also put their two cents in on the effort. What was oddly humorous about the video of their report is that the video had an Exxon/Mobil commercial on the front - is that a subliminal message or funny coincidence?
Anyway, I'm off to my friends' new place later today so have a great and blessed Thanksgiving!