Rumor has it...
Certain quarters of the Maryland blogosphere are reporting that one prospective participant in the governor's race is going off in another direction. A website called The Red White Blue as well as Jeff Quinton at RedState have both made the assertion that something I heard when speaking with a representative of another politician was true - Dan Bongino will be announcing his intention to reclaim the Sixth Congressional District seat for the GOP. Shades of Alex Mooney!
This is particularly interesting to me when you consider that just last week Bongino put out a release purportedly critical of Martin O'Malley:
Sadly, the plague of bureaucratic, government corruption is not limited to the IRS and DOJ. It appears that the O'Malley administration is attempting to rival the Obama administration in bureaucratic ineptitude with its newest scandal. The lavish, inappropriate spending of federal "stimulus" funds by Baltimore City school staff on fancy dinners and expensive watches is another sad example of the very real penalty of an increasingly unaccountable and growing government. The growth of both federal and local bureaucracy has created a 'soft tyranny' of diffuse responsibility. When government grows large enough to diffuse responsibility among many than the responsibility for managing it effectively belongs to no one.
But that O'Malley criticism was absent in a statement Dan made yesterday on Facebook. Instead, it leaned more in a direction critical of Washington:
The recent spate of scandals is indicative of a trend line moving painfully in the direction of a "Members-Only" government.
In over a decade within the ranks of the Secret Service, and many years in the White House, I was unfortunate enough to have been a witness to this system, which has become strictly insider-driven.
Those who are appropriately "connected" live by a completely different set of rules & government means something completely different to them. The tax code, healthcare policy, election law, environmental regulation and many other areas have been corrupted and are being used as tools to both punish and reward.
There are solutions out there but you must push your Representatives. A simplified tax code, patient-centered healthcare reform, a reduction in the burgeoning administrative state and the rolling back of many administrative functions to the states would reverse this destructive trend and help restore us to vibrant growth and give our children hope that this is not the best it is ever going to be.
Interesting choice of words: "you must push your Representatives."
Yet the obvious question I first had when I heard this assertion was: Bongino lives nowhere near the Sixth District. There's nothing stopping Dan from moving to that area prior to the 2014 election, though, nor does the law preclude a "carpetbagger" from representing a district because Congressmen need only live within the state they represent. Perhaps it's still the second-best Maryland option for a Republican despite Roscoe Bartlett's 20-point loss last year. (Andy Harris isn't going anywhere.)
But if you look at election results, the numbers indicate an uphill battle for Bongino: he ran seven points behind Bartlett's paceĀ in Montgomery County - albeit these are countywide numbers for Dan and his was a three-way race.
On the other hand, Bongino carried Frederick County over Ben Cardin (although not necessarily the Sixth District portion, which Bartlett lost by 20 points.) Bongino was 400 votes behind Bartlett in Washington County, just over 1,000 votes behind in Allegany, and a little over 200 behind in Garrett. In the latter three counties, though, Rob Sobhani drew 19 percent, 13 percent, and 4 percent respectively. These counties also lie completely within the Sixth District, permitting a more direct comparison.
So I'm sure Dan Bongino has the same information I do, and probably more since he has the time and staff to delve into precinct-by-precinct results. The obvious question is whether he can make up twenty points.
One thing Democrat John Delaney has now that he didn't have in 2012, though: a voting record. But John will have plenty of money, and perhaps the one advantage Bongino would have over would-be challengers like Delegate LeRoy Myers - who decided earlier this month not to seek another term as Delegate - is the success he had nationalizing his Senate campaign.
Of course, all this speculation could be for naught, just as the phony Bongino/Keyes ticket was last month. This is doubly true considering the source, who would likely benefit from Bongino skipping the governor's race. But if anything it proves that Dan Bongino has some mojo as a prospective candidate for something, whether he stays home or becomes a proverbial carpetbagger.
Maybe Andy Harris should watch his back.