A couple years ago I spent several months moving back and forth between writing this site and working on two Examiner pages. But once I got a fairly regular gig at Pajamas Media (now PJ Media) I stopped working on the Examiner page - my last post there came in October, 2010. In the seven months the page was active I did about 90 posts, so about one every other day on the average.
Well, the Examiner folks have wanted me to come back and I think it's time to do so. However, I am likely going to change from working on the Baltimore site to working on the Washington, D.C. site. It's sort of a clunky title, but unless there's a last minute change I don't know about I will be the Eastern Maryland Political Buzz Examiner. (There was - it's now Eastern Shore Political Buzz Examiner, which I like even better.) I look at it this way - to me, anything east of Washington, D.C. is fair game and Annapolis is east of our nation's capital. (Technically, the title is based on where I live since Salisbury isn't an Examiner base city.)
So why return now? Well, my audience is now larger and this gives me the opportunity to broaden my exposure still farther and hopefully make a little bit of coin while I'm at it. And since we have a number of great political races on this end of the state I think I can fill a political coverage need for those readers. Similarly to how I handle PJ Media stories, the initial headlines will be here.
And that's not to say I'm not looking at or for other opportunities. But the words I say about economic development also apply to a great extent in the writing business: if you don't grow, you die. The idea in this world is to maximize exposure in order to build a brand audience. I've noticed in the last couple years that Facebook promotion helped my readership jump as did more frequent usage of Twitter. But these techniques can only go so far, and the great advantage of having a vast body of work on local and state politics is the opportunity to drive new readers to my archives by proper linking to my relevant content here on monoblogue. It can be a win-win for both readers and myself.
Like I said when I first started with Examiner, I have a hard time sometimes expressing gratitude to those who support me – certainly there are a few who have been fans of my writing since its humble beginnings. So thanks to everyone who has taken the time to drop by my corner of the blogosphere, and once I get re-established on Examiner you can bookmark the other page as well. But I'll still be here, too.