Radio days volume 9
Not sure how many heard me on WICO this morning since I didn't plug the appearance. It'll probably be the last time this year I'll be on because Bill's going on vacation late next week and I think he doesn't return until 2008. At that point there will likely be a flurry of political guests since I'm sure he'll try and get all 10 Congressional hopefuls from the First District on, plus his usual chats with Congressman Gilchrest and Senator Cardin along with Rick Pollitt, Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, et. al. from the Wicomico political arena. I'm sure he'll also host his recurring non-political guests like Karen (?) from the Sheriff's office. Anyhow, I suspect I may be asked again right around the primary, but we'll see.
This time I didn't have notes so I spoke pretty much what I wanted to say off the top of my head about recent party happenings. My favorite quip was talking about E.J. Pipkin's two-year election cycle while the rest of the state is fine with four years. I thought I did okay but unfortunately without doing the advance plug I didn't get any feedback from anyone else. However, it was nice to give some indication about what happened at the convention to a wider audience. (I have to say though my readership's been quite strong the last few days and I had a pretty high-up commentor on my last post, one Maryland GOP Chair Jim Pelura. Thanks Jim, and the rest of my readers as well.)
In this case, I decided to post for the record that I was on the radio once again but will also use the space to point out some other items of interest.
In my mail today I got a full color four page advertisement from the nascent E.J. Pipkin Congressional campaign. Somehow I don't think this was whipped together since he announced Thursday, so maybe my cohorts at Red Maryland had some help in making his jumping into the race one of Maryland's worst-kept secrets. On the mailing was his website address, so he is now linked from here. At the moment his issues page leaves a lot to be desired, but hopefully in the next week or two he'll add more things for me to grade him on and compare him to others already in the race. I also plan to do a little bit of research on another Pipkin-related topic for a future post just to sate my curiosity.
You may have noticed that I didn't do my usual Sunday Election Calendar. First of all, spending three hours putting together Sunday's convention post was quite enough sitting at the computer. Secondly, there weren't any events to add anyway. Here's last week's edition if you wish to see the one item that remains on the docket.
Normally I don't discuss the happenings of our county Central Committee meetings, but tonight we pretty much wrapped up the preparations for our 2008 Lincoln Day Dinner, with the exception of finalizing a speaker. It's close enough to the primary that we're leaving it subject to change; however we do have a backup plan. We're holding it on Saturday evening, February 9, 2008, in the Bistro Room of the Salisbury University Commons. I'll have more on it as the event draws closer, of course.