Radio days volume 24
To prove that I'm in no real rush to break news, these radio spots occurred over a week ago. But seeing as the big push to secure interviews has slowed down to a manageable trickle - that and being busy with some actual, real life adulting-type stuff rather than my usual fun and games - it took me a little time to get to this wrapup, which will cover a total of four interviews I did during the week of July 15.
Unfortunately, the very first one I did doesn't seem to be available on a podcast. It's too bad because the introduction I had to this small-town Texas host was, "Would love to visit with you on the air.... and off!" Brownwood, Texas (a city of just under 20,000) is literally in the center of the state and would seem to have a very receptive audience. J.R. and Celinda were nice enough hosts, and they focused a lot of the conversation (as I recall it) on Donald Trump, which was fine. I just remember that it seemed I got to talk at some length and it went pretty quickly.
Nor have I had any luck with my second radio spot of the week, that of "Real Talk With Riggin." I truly enjoyed speaking with Faune Riggin, and maybe that podcast is out there someplace, but it appears they only keep a rolling tally of the last 10 or so and that doesn't cover last week anymore.
Faune was quite well-informed because I sent her a copy of the book (at her request.) And she sounded like she was someone definitely sympathetic to the TEA Party aims, so it was a nice conversation. I remember being pretty pleased with it at its conclusion.
On the other hand, my appearance that Friday was an experience I hadn't come across before - discussing the book with someone left of center. But Dave Priest and I had a very good conversation, although in listening to it I noticed I have some odd fallback phrases, like per se. Hey, as long as I informed the fine folks of Myrtle Beach and got them interested in the book I suppose I'm doing my task. It was definitely an overview, but for 15 minutes I think I did a reasonable job. Because it was sent to me as an .mp3 file, the show is available from my book site.
Later on Friday I got to tape a segment for broadcast on the following day, which would have been back on the 20th. It's a show called "Political Vibe" and it airs in the relatively rural area around Chambersburg, PA. (It's interesting to note that many of my appearances have come in smaller communities, although I've also been in the "major league" city of Cincinnati as well as high-minor towns like Richmond, Fresno, and Wichita.)
That show was very enjoyable because, first of all, I got a couple long segments in - no squeezing in between traffic and weather - and second of all, it was hosted by people who had themselves marched with the TEA Party. (In that respect it was a lot like the show I did with Carol Ross.) We had a great conversation, and it was one of those where I sort of forgot I was being taped for later broadcast - except for how Michele did the segment intro. I even got to listen to it online because it was repeated twice on the same day at 11 a.m. and 11 p.m.
So it appears I am beginning to wind down the radio tour - I have a few more show prospects but I'm going to try and wrap up this leg by the middle of August, for several reasons. However, I have a very special show tomorrow (the 1st) at 7:30 a.m. because it will be in the city of my birth, Toledo, Ohio, and WSPD-AM - the station which introduced me to talk radio giants like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity, among others. I'll be joining host Fred LeFebvre for a segment, which will probably be over before I know it!
Programming note: Even though tomorrow is the first Thursday of the month, the fact that it's literally the 1st and the Shorebirds played a night game last night - well, we will do July's Shorebirds of the Month on the 8th.
I also made another executive decision to push back the August Shorebirds of the Month to the second week in September because, should the Delmarva nine advance to the SAL Championship Series, there will be a Shorebird Position Player and Pitcher of the Month for September, too. (If not, I have to add in the stats for the few September games.) Barring rainouts, errant tropical weather, and so forth, that would assure the Shorebirds play at least 7 games in the month, with potential to play up to 10.