Radio days volume 17
Well, I hope this is the beginning of a renewed trend.
There was a time when I was on the radio a lot more than I have been recently, which led me to see just what volume number I was on because my last radio interview was in April, 2011, when I was featured on the liberal gabfest Thom Hartmann Show.
As it turns out, yesterday's radio appearance on Blaine Young's WFMD-AM show wasn't all that much different in that I was promoting something I wrote, but it was the first of what I hope are many radio appearances to promote my book So We May Breathe Free: Avoiding Ineptocracy.
And perhaps I'm my own harshest critic, but I thought I left a lot to be desired. In my defense, I have to say there were two strikes working against me: my shot was delayed an hour because of unrelated events in Frederick (which made me a little bit more nervous) and I didn't really get a transition - it was just boom! I'm on. That definitely threw me; I'm more used to having a bit of an introduction but I guess Blaine's show doesn't work that way - I just have to be more prepared for that. Obviously I know why I wrote the book, and I honestly think I'm as qualified as any other so-called political pundit to be an analyst. But I sort of staggered through that part of the interview because I was a little off my game. I need to work on that portion.
I did enjoy the conversation about Maryland politics, though. No, it really didn't relate to my book but I suppose it does enhance my political bonafides by having a relatively detailed discussion of a political subject. There's nothing wrong with promoting my website as well as my book.
Overall, I'd give myself a C-minus for the effort, but the real test is whether my book sales will ratchet upward. Obviously I do these radio interviews to help sell books because if I don't sell So We May Breathe Free my ideas don't make it into the marketplace and I happen to think I have pretty valid ideas. Some of my more fervent backers swear I have plenty of writing talent, but that has to translate into sales and hopefully I didn't miss an opportunity today.
Still, I want to thank Blaine Young for extending that chance. Maybe this Delmarva player wasn't quite ready for Frederick yet, but once I knock the rust off I'm sure I'll get better - remember, it's been about 16 months since I did a radio show and I thought I did pretty fair on the last one. So if you have a radio show or know someone with one - even if it's just a little internet station - I'm happy to come on and promote my book. You need content and I need sales, so let's see if we can strike a deal.
There's one thing I thought about during the hour delay and wish I had said in the actual interview, though. You have to love a system where someone like me - who has no pedigree and was basically ignored by the literary world - still has the opportunity to express a message. I can live with putting myself out there and being a total flop based on the weakness of my argument, but what I can't abide is never getting the chance at all. Yesterday I got my chance, and I'm confident I'll get more because I'm going to keep knocking on the door.