Radio days volume 13
So what did you all think? I believe this was the first time I tried to plug something besides my website and point of view.
Overall, I'd give myself a B+ since I was thrown off my game a bit on the background stuff. I don't mind talking about myself (obviously) but I was worried that I was taking too long on the stuff about me and would leave myself short on the items I wanted to talk about. But we did run over time a little so I got most of what I wanted to discuss in.
I had originally planned on being in the studio on Monday but Bill called me last night to switch with Debbie Campbell since something came up on her end. That actually helped my cause a little bit because then I could point out our Wicomico County Republican Club food booth at the Salisbury Festival. Seeing that we use that as one of our fundraisers it was a chance to make people aware of that fact.
My main goal was to build awareness that we Republicans are out there and we have opinions we want to share on the issues facing Maryland and the nation - one way to do that is to make the public know we exist and bring them people with perspectives you might not otherwise hear. Personally, I'd also like to see us get more into issues and become a little more political. We have a lot of good minds in one place, why not make an effort to make a positive difference in our community through the advocation of Republican principles?
So if I didn't make it clear in my ten minutes on the radio then hopefully I did a much better job in a medium I'm better expressing myself in. I will thank Bill once again for giving me the opportunity though!