Questions, problems, thoughts, opinions, or comments?
With thanks to my 9th grade science teacher, Mr. Geer, I'll paraphrase his pet saying...(it was actually "Are there any questions, problems, thoughts, opinions, or comments before we get started?")
It was pointed out to me yesterday that I'm tough to get a hold of for comments and such that pertain to monoblogue but not necessarily the post at hand. So near the top of my left-hand column from now until I decide on a different template (which may be awhile, I like this "Journalized Sand" one), I've posted the e-mail address that goes with monoblogue. And in response to my person from yesterday, I promise to check it more!! (You'll see another reason why tomorrow.) In fact, I'll do it as soon as I finish this post.
Also, thanks to my commenters regarding the local blogosphere post. I enjoyed moderating them. But don't stop if you have more to say!!