Question of the night
I haven't set up an online poll for this - and there is the chance I may not, just using the comment section here and social media to see if my suspicions are correct - but I'm really curious to know what would happen if Jeb Bush wins the GOP nomination next year.
Anecdotally, the consensus seems to be that Jeb would make Mitt Romney's 2012 vote total look really, really good. There are also some who postulate that a Bush family nomination for the fifth time in eight elections would bring about the end of the Republican Party, but I can't see that happening with the way current ballot access laws are written.
I suppose there are several shades of answers I could get to the question I spelled out above. Some of these are:
I'm hoping Jeb Bush is the GOP nominee because he's the best guy for the job and will bring millions of new voters to the GOP.
Jeb isn't my first choice, but if he's the nominee I'll be backing him with my vote (and my checkbook and/or volunteer time.)
Meh. Jeb will be better than Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat. I'm going to concentrate on the Congressional and Senate races.
Jeb Bush = lesser of two evils.
Another Bush? I'm staying home.
I'm tired of the Republican Party always nominating squishy moderates, so I'm done with them if Jeb is the nominee.
Is there a link for the (pick your preference: Libertarian, Constitution, Conservative) Party on this site?
Any chance I can still sign up for that one-way trip to Mars?
So that's my question of the night - call it an open thread. Be creative in your answers for bonus points.