Pushed back again
With getting the yard cleaned up and uploading some videos to my YouTube channel, the post I meant for today will need to be slotted tomorrow. It wouldn't be right to push this below my final Shorebird of the Week this season and only have it on the top for a couple hours, so I'll have it as a special edition of FNV tomorrow night. (Hopefully everyone will be recovered from Earl's brush by then.)
The three videos I'm uploading come from last Sunday's event and address a particular concern of mine, land use. But I want to address part of the premise of the question (which I didn't record) regarding the two political parties working together.
Needless to say, I'm a Republican and by being in the party I adhere to a particular set of principles. To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure the Democrats have their own set of principles but it can be safely presumed that theirs would be the opposite of ours; at least as opposite as one can get given our republican (small-r) foum of government. There's not a lot of middle ground to be had without one side or the other compromising on their core beliefs.
Obviously there are situations where this doesn't matter, but in the big picture if one side compromises too much we have things go too far in the opposite direction. In my estimation, Republicans compromise too much and have done so for most of the last eighty years. And while people in either party can have good ideas, I prefer the ones which minimize government involvement and maximize freedom. Government at any level should be limited.
So you get split party-line votes sometimes. I have to put up with being in the minority at the state and federal levels while the other guys are saddled with being the minority locally (not that it matters much in their top-down manner of thinking.) Understanding that there is a difference between parties - if they are proper in maintaining priciples - helps to understand the political system we have and why compromise isn't always easy or desired.