Polling: a 'soft' opening
I didn't make a big deal out of this with last night's post but yesterday I added a new feature to my site.
I'm going to start asking poll questions on a variety of topics, changing the question on a weekly basis (perhaps each Tuesday.) My plugin is pretty simple and shows percentage results, but I figure if everyone who reads this voted I'd have a fairly statistically significant sample each week.
The obvious reason I'm doing this is to bring more people to my site. Simply put, I'm not satisfied with my readership levels of late and figure perhaps I need to shake things up a bit. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to constantly update this site with my opinion (as opposed to news and whatever can be copied off the internet) so I need a different draw to bring people back on a regular basis and maybe running a constant poll will help get people here for the real reason I do this: to spread a conservative, limited government message to readers. And if not, I just like to have a poll - seems like everyone else is doing it.
So participate. Lord knows I like to moderate good comments but if you don't have the time for cogent thought you can still make your opinion known on a regular basis.
Thanks for reading!