Petition updates
I hate to bury my milestone post but I did get two pieces of news regarding the tax referendum petition.
First and foremost, I got a note from Donna*, "Civic Center has been extended, we will be there all day, straight through 'til FIVE o'clock, not two o'clock." (Emphasis hers.) So you have three additional hours to get out there and sign the petition.
*I just got a second note from her. If anyone has not turned their petitions in to Bob Caldwell, it will need to be done tomorrow. These can also be brought to the Civic Center location. Now back to the original post...
And for all of the hits he takes amongst the locals (no pun intended), I have to give credit to Joe Albero. I ran into him at the game tonight and he told me that he had picked up close to 150 signatures today going door to door. By himself that's almost 7% of the required total so a good job by him.
Yes, that was me on "Robinson on the Radio". I had to respond to Janice and her gloom and doom predictions for the city if the petition drive was successful. Once again, here's my points:
Janice is probably correct in that the referendum would occur after the budget has to be passed. However, we already have on the table a number of possible cuts (thanks to Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell) that do not touch the police and fire salary increases, if my understanding is correct. which you can see in the post above.
Secondly, the budget as revised this week called for a nine cent increase in the tax rate. The city has three cents remaining in its present cap, so some cuts in the proposed budget would need to be made. However, it's not like the city gets no increase at all, even if the referendum goes through. Also, (and I ask this as I'm no budget expert) were the increased assessment rates factored into the budget?
Last year everyone expected a tax increase but we didn't get one because money somehow appeared and saved the citizens from the rate hike. I'm not so sure that magic won't occur this year, although in order to embarrass Cohen and Campbell any surplus funds may be withheld until next year, when Mayor Tilghman will be gearing up to run for another term.
Finally, there's another possibility that could occur, although I'm not certain of its legality. So bear that in mind as you read on.
Wicomico County voters enacted a revenue cap a few years ago after that particular County Council raised taxes significantly; also the charter change was made to elect a County Executive. Two radical changes from an overtaxed and frustrated public. Could a revenue cap be enacted by the voters in Salisbury for the same reason? And, whether the petition and referendum succeeds or not, will there be a spirited battle for the mayor's job and two City Council seats upcoming in 2009? Both polar opposites on this issue (Debbie Campbell and Barrie Tilghman) will be on the ballot if they choose to seek another term.
We may be seeing the Dream Team III death match as both the reformers (led by allies of Debbie Campbell) and the establishment (led by Mayor Tilghman) are sure to run slates of those who share their view. In my opinion, the two so-called 3-packs of candidates in this year's election will pale in comparison to the electoral war that could break out two years hence, particularly if the petition drive or referendum is thwarted. You read it here first.