Perhaps the analogy I've been looking for
Yes, Washington has an addiction.
The sad thing is that we've been feeding the addiction by voting in a lot of the same people to Congress. But there's also the bureaucracy which hasn't met a problem they couldn't milk into additional appropriations down the line - if they actually solved the problem there wouldn't be a need for continuing the agency. Instead, it's a rare day that we see any government agency go by the wayside.
But we need to place a LOT of government agencies into the dustbin of history to solve our overarching problem, which in a nutshell is we have too much of a centralized, federalized government. I didn't allocate the term 'Fedzilla' from Ted Nugent for nothing.
It's more likely that we'll continue to feed the addiction, though. Conventional wisdom is that the usual Washington horsetrade will occur - give Obama and Democrats the higher debt limit they desire in return for promised spending cuts which never occur. I keep seeing Lucy pull that football away from Charlie Brown for some reason.
Believe it or not, regardless of what Washington does about the debt ceiling, the sun will come up on Wednesday and millions of Americans will do their daily work. Don't let anyone tell you the sky is falling.