Those who know me and have some idea of what makes me tick realize pretty quickly I am a numbers guy, and there is just something about round numbers that I like. So every time I turn the odometer of 1,000 posts it's a big deal to me, and hitting the 4,000 mark is no different than hitting 1,000, 2,000, 2,500, or 3,000. (For the record, the last 1,000 posts took 853 days to compile.)
But today is an interesting day in the life of monoblogue. As you probably know, mine is primarily a state-based blog so I write constantly about Maryland politics. Aside from the first year of this site's existence, though, I have been on the side which was out of power and had little to no say in the governing of this state. Last night, with the election of Larry Hogan, that all changed. While I'm not going to get into my election observations quite yet - I'm saving that for tomorrow morning's post - but it should suffice to say that it will be interesting going trying to hold Larry's feet to the fire.
Unlike the last few observances of Pxk, I don't really have any earth-shattering news on the writing front. Obviously there may be a subtle change in direction now that I won't be as active in the state GOP, but hopefully the nuts-and-bolts of a party in power will be relatively smooth and uninteresting writing anyway. (The Democrats, on the other hand - now that could be intriguing as a number of them will be pointing fingers about the demise of Anthony Brown statewide and the shellacking they took locally and many may be lining up for 2018.)
Honestly, I don't know what part I played (if any) in recent successes, but one thing I do know is that I'm glad campaign season is over. Frankly, the last 2 or 3 weeks was a definite grind writing about the political because I was bored with it. When you figure I started covering this election in earnest about the middle of last year (arguably earlier since David Craig was in the running unofficially since 2011) it's no surprise that I needed something different to write on.
There are some areas I'm thinking may be included here more, though. Thanks to the exposure of doing American Certified for a few months, I have more interest in the nuts and bolts niche of manufacturing, which is a worthy subject to explore. I've also had more of an interest in energy issues recently, in part because the two go hand-in-hand to a great extent.
Yet there's one thing which has carried me through and that's the support of my readers. I suppose I would be writing something even if I had five readers a week, but getting the occasional accolades and "attaboys" about pieces I write doesn't get old. I'm still humbled by the recognition. When I see the Paypal notice about a hit to my tip jar or get the payment from an advertiser (or, as has happened before, a check from a supporter of the site) I'm still proud to have made that impact with someone. Look at it this way - my advertisers were 3-1 in their races.
I suppose if I have remaining goals for this site, they would be to maximize the readership which can be attained from a part-time blogger (who also has writing clients and works outside the home) and make it even more of a profitable enterprise. I'm hoping those political advertisers who helped me during campaign season transition into non-political ones who keep this thing going for the 3 1/2 years we're not doing the heavy vote gathering.
In less than a month I'll be starting my 10th year of doing this site, which is longer than many of those who I link to. Maybe I wasn't in at the ground floor, but I wasn't too far from the foundation.
Most blogs don't make it to 400 posts, let alone 4,000. But as long as I enjoy doing it and am able to do so - I just renewed my server for another year - I hope you keep looking in this space for readable and thoughtful political content.