Over the line
The latest figures are in, and the redistricting petition has enough signatures to qualify for the ballot.
It didn't appear they received a whole lot of help from the Eastern Shore, however. Here's the totals for the nine counties so far, although they probably won't change much as the final couple thousand signers are validated:
Cecil - 500
Queen Anne's - 430
Worcester - 255
Talbot - 251
Kent - 215
Wicomico - 143
Dorchester - 128
Caroline - 125
Somerset - 20
By my quick addition that's 2,067 signatures delivered from an area which is about 1/10 of the state's population. So we weren't exactly proportional here.
I think part of the reason we trailed behind the rest of the state is the fact the Eastern Shore will almost certainly stay as the most significant geographic part of the First District. But had one proposed map been adopted, a rendition which actually split the lower end of the Eastern Shore south of Salisbury off and placed it into the Fifth Congressional District with southern Maryland, I believe we would have contributed thousands more signatures. Counties most affected (Anne Arundel and Baltimore) combined for about 2/5 of the total signatures, with another third coming from counties which were (or still are) in the Sixth Congressional District. With the radical changes caused by gerrymandering, that's understandable.
Of course, we can count on the Maryland Democrat Party to try and thwart the will of the people. Upon the announcement that enough signatures were turned in to give the referendum a chance to make it to the ballot, they sniveled that the petition drive was only a "desperate partisan power grab." Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Anyway, here's their money quote from ten days ago:
Pending the State Board of Elections’ determination that the validated petition signatures satisfy constitutional requirements, the Maryland Democratic Party will weigh all options to protect the integrity of the referendum process and ensure that every petition was completed and collected in line with Maryland laws and regulations.
This from the party who wanted to have all circulator signatures notarized in an effort to disenfranchise petition signers, yet wails that any attempt at sensible photo voter identification requirements at the polls represents "voter suppression." Yeah, they're hypocrites. But most thinking people knew that, and they know their message is "see you in court."
So today was a good day as perhaps yet another reason for good, conservative Marylanders to cast their ballot this November took shape. Resounding votes against in-state tuition for illegal aliens, gay marriage, and overly partisan gerrymandering which paid no attention to preserving the integrity of political subdivisions might convince the party in power that, hey, we need to listen to the voice of reason once in awhile. (Victories for Dan Bongino and 5 or 6 Congressional nominees might also pound home a message too. Listening to Democrats and the state's primary media outlets - but I repeat myself - spin that one would be a riot.)
But just remember we have to win these fights to set ourselves up for more success in 2014.