One thousand words per
For those of you who read monoblogue regularly, I'm sure you're aware that I like to sprinkle photos in where I can - most of these go with my Shorebird of the Week, but there's others as well. And for those of you who don't read monoblogue regularly, I think you need to start! It takes a lot of handcrafting to present news and views from Maryland's Eastern Shore.
Anyway, there's a few limitations I have to endure in order to make the photos work with the blog, the biggest of which is a 500 pixel or so width limitation. This is so my columns work properly, otherwise the formatting is shot. However, I like to take pictures with the maximum resolution I can with my camera, it's something on the order of 2300 x 1700. It works okay with my Shorebird pictures because my cropping them makes up for distance to subject, but for landscape pictures and such it's a disaster.
Now I've had people tell me about some of the comments I occasionally get from Dan, a fellow blogger (the guy I jokingly refer to as my leftist archnemesis) but one thing he does pretty well is take landscape pictures around his Oregon home and post them on his blog. With my format limitation, I can't do that so well.
But today I remembered that I have a Flickr page that I've pretty much neglected since I started it a few months back. After a little rearrangement, it's now a page that has some of the shots I've taken around the area...most some of those were taken today on a little wandering trip I took down south a piece (Somerset County).
Since I enjoy taking the pictures but they don't always "fit" on this blog sizewise or subjectwise, I'm going to link it through my blog and those who enjoy photography can see my shots of our scenery. Hope you like them.
Edit: Also I did have a few additional shots of the Memorial Day ceremony above that I'll post after June 1st. Being a "free" Flickr member, I can only upload so many shots a month.