One step closer to losing more freedom
Well, we tried as best we could but the bad guys prevailed 220-215.
Not that I didn't expect Pelosicare to pass, but what pisses me off is they got the fig leaf of bipartisanship because of one Republican voting "yes" - Rep. Anh "Joseph" Cao of Louisiana, a freshman who replaced former Rep. William "Cold Cash" Jefferson. I presume he comes from an extremely Democrat district, but still that's pretty inexcusable.
None of Delmarva's representatives voted for final passageĀ of H.R. 3962 as Castle, Kratovil, and Nye all voted no. However, only Castle voted for the motion to recommit, which would have killed the bill. Castle was also the only one on Delmarva to vote for the Stupak Amendment, which made abortion funding almost completely illegal. So Kratovil and Nye will have some explaining to do to pro-life residents of their districts.
So now the fight moves to the Senate, with their first hurdle being to secure cloture or finding some shady manner of getting around that requirement. Again, with 60 votes against them thereĀ the GOP need have only stood back and watched Democrats write their political suicide note but now that stain of "bipartisan" support is indelibly etched upon this bill.
In all, it's apparent that Congress doesn't listen to the people anymore. But we figured that from the start.