One prayer for 2023
Use or adapt as you wish, but it never hurts to ask God and see what the answers will be.
As background for this, I have worked in 2 of the last 3 election cycles with iVoterGuide, a group that evaluates candidates for local, state, and federal office. Personally and as part of a group, I’ve studied and evaluated the platforms of candidates in two different states, neither of which was Delaware.
What appeals to me about the group is that they’re not ashamed in sharing their Christian beliefs, claiming first and foremost to be “grounded in God,” so I kept this e-mail of theirs as a potential Sunday Substack. It’s still early in 2023, but by this point three weeks in we can see the trends beginning to take shape.
Written by iVoterGuide’s Debbie Wuthnow, I thought it was a good thing to share. So let’s lift our voices in prayer:
Heavenly Father,
We come to you as your beloved children. By your grace, we are forgiven and made holy through faith in your Son, Jesus, who died and rose again for our sins. You gave Him all authority in Heaven and on Earth. Empower us to go and make disciples of all nations, including our own. You have placed us here for such a time as this.
To that end, we lift up the leaders in authority over us, from our President to our school board. Thank you that in your sovereign will beyond our comprehension, you have allowed them to be in authority. You have given them the chance to seek and serve you, and we pray earnestly that they would seek you and your wisdom with all their heart. (Acts 17:26-27).
We pray for Congress as it begins a new session. Let our members serve justly so that we may live quiet and peaceful lives, with freedom to serve you and share your gospel with others. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Help us encourage our representatives and senators in righteousness, and urge them to oppose evil.
Likewise, we pray for our state legislatures. As they meet this year, they are discussing issues of life, death, religious liberty, education, election integrity, and other serious issues in our states. Give them wisdom. As their constituents, equip us to encourage them to stand for truth.
Father, we want to be good stewards of this blessing of liberty. Help us understand the eternal truths which guided our nation’s formation, so we may teach them to the next generation.
Lord, we are concerned for our children and grandchildren. The Enemy calls to them through lies and false teachers. You call to them in truth. Let their parents, teachers, and school board members be instruments for good in their lives.
Forgive us, Lord, when we do not live according to the godly values we want to see in our nation. You have been so faithful to us, even when we have often failed you. Help us offer ourselves as a sacrifice of praise to you each day. (Romans 12:1) We want to seek your kingdom and righteousness first, commit our ways to you, and walk in faith and integrity. You will help us by your Spirit!
Gracious Father, thank you that we only need to be faithful; we can leave the outcome in your hands. Through all the challenges this year brings, help us do our duty with our hope entirely fixed on you. You are our shield, our glory, and the lifter of our heads. (Psalm 3:3) May your name be praised above all!
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
The only thing I might add to Debbie’s work is that we pray for our elected leaders to have the wisdom and courage to discern that our rights are God-given, and not from government. To remember government’s task is the task of protecting our God-given rights.
But all these things we do indeed pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
AmEN! Thanks, Michael, for sharing Debbie Wuthnow's excellent prayer. Not to diminish a single syllable of it, but what spoke MOST loudly to me (personally) is: "Help us offer ourselves as a sacrifice of praise to you each day." (Romans 12:1). Thanks, also, for your most thoughtful additions. In this part: "To remember government’s task is the task of protecting our God-given rights.", I first thought that the operative word was "is", but now think that "protecting" is it. Anyhow, both yours and hers aptly serve as foundational launching pads for (our) elaboration on any and all parts of them. Thanks, again, Michael! God bless you (and Debbie) and Godspeed.