One of my favorite hours
Tonight some people will sit in the dark and cold, thinking they're making a difference in global climate. Fools!
Instead, you should do what I've told you to do a few times in the past and celebrate Human Achievement Hour, a brainchild of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. This occurs at 8:30 tonight, which so happens to be the same time as that dark and cold hour some "celebrate" - I guess they call it Earth Hour, perhaps because it reminds them of the unlit mud huts they seem to prefer as our standard of living. But while the global climate change brigade talks a good game, the list of confirmed participants in Earth Hour seems to be dwindling in number each year.
At that moment in time, we will be wrapping up our Lincoln Day Dinner, while others will be partaking in a local event I've enjoyed before during Human Achievement Hour.
Unfortunately, while Maryland isn't officially celebrating Earth Hour insofar as I'm aware - although the city of Gaithersburg had a one-minute celebration, proving the absolute folly of the idea - they are working very hard to enact the ideas behind Earth Hour by restricting rural development, making ratepayers pay for unreliable offshore wind while stopping the economically more sensible development of natural gas along Maryland's panhandle, and making driving more expensive while subsidizing mass transit only a small percentage of state residents use.
Even environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg disagrees with the Earth Hour concept:
I'm not keen on the "investment" in green energy (having witnessed Solyndra, Ener1, and dozens of other failed Obama plays) but I'm certain that someday there will be a place for those in "energy poverty" to be brought up. Lomborg seems to agree with the philosophy that a rising tide lifts all boats rather than taking from those who have to make everyone except a well-connected elite equally miserable. Come to think of it, that's the sort of government most of those 1.3 billion probably live with.
In the end, CEI says it's indeed about lifting up all of us:
HAH is an annual event meant to recognize and celebrate the fact that this is the greatest time to be alive, and that the reason we have come (this far) is that people have been free to use their minds and the resources in their environment to experiment, create, and innovate. Participants in HAH recognize the necessity to protect the individual persons from government coercion, so that we may continue innovating and improving our lives and the world around us.
While I have lived during a period which is but a speck of a particle of human history, I vaguely remember the hubbub of man walking on the moon (I was only 4 at the time.) Only the brightest among us at the time could contemplate the world in which we live now, where for example I type on a screen and my words are instantly transmitted to those corners of the globe where there's the means for them to be seen. Unfortunately, some are still living with standards which were primitive in 1964 when I was born.
Earth Hour won't do a thing to help those unfortunate souls, but allowing unfettered human achievement might.