Once again, from the top
Maybe it's a case of sarcasm going over MY head (it happens sometimes), but apparently Joe Albero didn't get my argument on the fallacy of global warming a couple posts ago - much ado about nothing from the Maryland General Assembly. I know he's a semi-retired businessman and "reporter" (in quotes because he states right up top that his site is "opinionated only") while I graduated from college having taken a course or two in writing, so let me see if I can boil it down to three sentences.
A group of scientists theorize through careful observation and reviewing historical data that the earth is cooling because of lower solar activity - with this winter's weather globally bearing the theory out in the short term.
Al Gore, who is not a scientist, and another group of "experts", only some of whom are scientists, posit that the earth is warming due to increased CO2 caused solely by manmade activity, but climatological evidence gathered over the last few years shows little change - even a slight decrease - in global temperatures.
Even with evidence pointing toward the opposite direction, as a solution to "global warming" the Maryland General Assembly still wants to plunge the state into drastic measures that would curtail commerce and create soaring electrical rates.
Is that a little easier to understand, Joe? I made it in 123 words, which is a little less than I'm asked to do on occasion for other outlets.
To me, good commentary is that which uses examples to buttress the main argument being made. In the literary world, this can take the form of a book as in one of my favorite volumes, Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. Or it can be a shorter essay or column, such as those written on a regular basis by Ann Coulter, Mark Steyn, or Michelle Malkin. (Each of these writers have full-length books to their credit as well.) I can't say I yet have the ability to write as well as those three, but I look at this outlet as practice, practice, practice. It may not get me to Carnegie Hall but hopefully it can provide me with a way to work toward a longer-form setting of some type. It's also why I do a variety of post types - some with pictures, some as reporting, some as observations on what others wrote.
And I attempt to add a little humor once in awhile. Obviously I saw Joe today at the Andy Harris event I broke on Monday. (Had he come to our WCRC meeting that night, he would've gotten the flyer too. Frankly, I was surprised he hadn't, but I found out from another that Joe was a bit perturbed about being scooped!) So I had to ask him why he only ranked monoblogue as "the most boring blog in Maryland." It would've brought me much more notoriety to call mine the most boring blog in America! Might as well go all the way. Besides, you can call me boring, but at least I spell practically everything correctly including my last name.
All because I didn't link to him someplace along the line. Well, I just did above so be happy that I pumped up your BlogNetNews rating.
Oh, and the comments to his post were priceless, especially the ones about internet porn and being boring and obnoxious. Yep, anonymous comments that were all placed in about 10 minutes. Someone had too much time on his hands. While I've learned in my life that I definitely march to a different drummer than most, if I came across to you as boring and obnoxious Mr. anonymous, it might be because I found you to be an arrogant prick. My kid loves me and that's what really matters.
On the other hand, thanks to Elbert for the kind words. He figured it out. I can't write more slowly, so I suppose the rest of you will have to do your homework and catch up like he did.