Odds and ends number 88
As you might guess, the mailbox groans with new items when it's election time. So this is a fresh edition of stuff I can deal with in a sentence to a few paragraphs.
I regret not bringing one of these items up a few months back when it came out, but as we get ready for state elections there are two key pieces from the Maryland Public Policy Institute that voters should not miss.
First of all, you all know that I have done the monoblogue Accountability Project for several years, with this year's intention to wrap up that work.** While it doesn't evaluate individual voters or bills like my evaluation does, their 2018 Annapolis Report is a useful, broad look at the overall picture and where it can stand some improvement in the next term, It's nice work by Carol Park and our own Marc Kilmer.
It seems like a new Democrat strategy (besides cutting and running to Virginia) to combat Larry Hogan's effective campaign is to talk down the state's economy, but Park puts the lie to that in a more recent piece. Notes Park:
(I)t may be more helpful to look at Maryland’s future economic prospects than to focus on the historical figures to assess the validity of Jealous’s claim. After all, 2015–2017 was a period of strong growth nationally, so it may not be fair to attribute every aspect of improvement of Maryland’s economy to Hogan, nor may it be fair to criticize him for perceived shortcomings relative to other states.
There are a number of indicators that macroeconomists consider important for predicting a region’s long-term economic growth prospects: wage, entrepreneurship, innovation, and income inequality. We can look at these figures one-by-one to assess whether Maryland is in fact faring poorly compared with other states in the Mid-Atlantic region under Gov. Hogan.
It turns out Maryland isn't doing so bad after all according to the selected figures. Now I know the whole deal about lies, damned lies, and statistics, but if you ask almost any Marylander whether he or she is better off than they were four years ago, the answer would likely be yes - unless you work for the federal government, in which case times may be a bit difficult. If - and this is a really, really big if considering we are over two years out - the Republicans can maintain their grip on Congress for the next two cycles and President Trump is re-elected - we may see a significant rightsizing of government that will likely put Maryland into recessionary status given our addiction to the federal crack pipe of taxpayer money and government jobs. (I've said it before - if not for the federal government, Maryland would be *pick your chronically high unemployment state.*) It will be painful, but it is necessary.
The MPPI also pointed out that small businesses will be able to take advantage of a modest tax break made necessary by the adoption of paid sick leave. (I say modest because it's a pool of $5 million - as originally envisioned, the pool was far larger and assisted more employers. Both those provisions were killed or watered down in committee.)
Sliding over to another campaign, Dr. Ben Carson called him "a true patriot who has served our nation and made personal sacrifices for its well being." But before he debated his two most prominent foes for the U.S. Senate seat on Sunday (more on that in a few paragraphs) Tony Campbell had one simple request: Pray.
This campaign is David vs. Goliath. As a dear friend of mine told me this week, our job is to be in position to take advantage of God's providential miracle. Your prayers are crucial for our campaign's success.
Now before the anti-"thoughts and prayers" crowd has a cow, they need to explain to me what harm comes from prayer. If it's in the Lord's plan to give Maryland a far more sane representative than that which we have now, why not give encouragement that thy will be done?
From calling on the Lord to calling out larceny: that's the segue I make for the next item.
One minor topic that takes up a couple pages in my forthcoming book on the TEA Party is a look at the "scam PACs" that started up in the wake of Citizens United, conning well-meaning small donors into supporting the lavish consulting fees of companies related to the overall PAC rather than the candidates or causes they purported to support. A three-part series from the Capital Research Center called Caveat Donator delves into that topic as well, and is worth the read.
Back to that Senate debate. I have found my way onto Neal Simon's mailing list, and his spin doctors were ready:
Throughout the one-hour debate, Simon focused much of his criticism on Cardin’s lack of leadership in moving forward legislation that focuses on Maryland’s interests. Simon went on the offensive right out of the gate, painting a picture of a career-focused politician focused on placating the party leadership and cow-towing to establishment donors in order to keep his job. Cardin’s voting record is the most partisan of all current sitting senators as he has voted with Chuck Schumer more than 97 percent of the time.
When referring to the numerous internal threats and dangers facing America today, Simon said, “I’m not sure which is most dangerous, Trump’s Twitter feed or Ben Cardin’s rubber stamp.”
As I watched the debate, I noticed it was Simon who was the more aggressive toward Cardin, which is to be expected because he really has to swing for the fences now. There's a month to close what's a 40-plus point deficit between him and "our friend Ben" (who's no friend of common-sense voters.) To that end, Simon is emphasizing Cardin's fealty to Democrat leadership based on voting record.
But we need to pray for Tony to get another bite of the apple because his debate performance was "meh..." Whoever prepped him needs to step up his or her game because there were a couple "deer in the headlights" moments for Tony - on the other hand, while Simon seemed scripted he was very personable. Cardin was his normal low-key self, almost like "okay, I have to do this debate, let's get it over with." But he was more or less prepared for what he would get.
The best possible scenario for this race involves Republicans staying loyal while slyly inviting their Democrat friends to send a message to Cardin by voting Simon - after all, what Republican ever wins in Maryland? I don't care if it's one of those 35-33-32 deals: as long as our guy has the 35, he has 6 years to build up the next campaign.
You may remember in the last Presidential go-round that the most centrist of Democrat candidates was onetime Reagan administration official Jim Webb of Virginia. While his campaign didn't gain much in the way of traction, Jim landed on his feet nonetheless: he now draws a paycheck from the American Petroleum Institute and advocates for offshore energy exploration, to wit:
The United States can increase these advantages (in energy exploration) through renewed emphasis on safe and technologically advanced offshore exploration, which is increasingly in use throughout the world. Ninety-four percent of federal offshore acreage is currently off limits to energy development. The Trump administration’s National Offshore Leasing Program for 2019-2024 would change that by opening key areas off the Atlantic Coast and in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Recent advances in safety solutions, plus improvements in business practices and tighter government standards, guarantee that offshore exploration can be safe, targeted and productive.
Maybe that's why Ben Jealous had the commonwealth on his mind the other day. But that's the place I'll use to bring this post home, and I have an old friend of mine to credit. My old "Rebeldome" cohort Bob Densic spied this in the Daily Signal and knew I'd be interested - it's a piece on the current state of the TEA Party in Virginia.
So that will (almost) be a wrap for now. I might get enough to do another one before Election Day, but we will see.
**I'm thinking of getting the band back together, as it were, for a limited engagement. To me, it may be a useful exercise to maintain the Maryland edition of the mAP, but restrict it to the three districts (36, 37, and 38) on the Eastern Shore. Anyone else can do their own research on their members of the General Assembly.