Odds and ends number 29
Since I started cleaning out my video archives last night, today seems like a perfect time to do the same with my e-mail box. As always, these are interesting items but ones to which I need only devote a paragraph or two.
In the 2008 election I found the Club for Growth a valuable resource, as did Andy Harris (for a different reason.) And once again they are preparing white papers on each of the major GOP candidates; so far they have released two for Newt Gingrich and Tim Pawlenty. Others on the horizon (once they officially announce) are Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann, and Herman Cain. (They may have to add Texas governor Rick Perry to that list.)
One thing which might be a campaign issue for the Club to consider is the price of gasoline. While it's retreated slightly from its peak of a few weeks ago, there's still a long way to go before we reach the price point of a couple years back when our current President took office. But instead of shifting blame, the problem could be solved in a matter of weeks according to the Heritage Foundation:
Others, like the American Petroleum Institute, are chiming in as well. The fact of the matter is that increasing our domestic production could assist in bringing down the price because over 2/3 of the price comes from the crude oil itself. More supply to meet the demand commonly means lower prices.
And maybe I should share this graphic with the Maryland General Assembly - I know a lot of them read here - since they're trying to cut the western end of the state out of the Marcellus Shale bounty.
(Thanks to some good friends of monoblogue, Ericka Andersen and Jane Van Ryan, for sharing. I have another Maryland energy-related piece for tomorrow too.)
And then we have the newly redesigned fuel economy stickers for 2013 models. Now there's a little bit of sense in trying to compare the apples and oranges of electric cars vs. conventional fuel models, but the EPA isn't telling the full story. And considering their original intent of giving letter grades for fuel economy (with electric vehicles rating an A and SUVs generally getting a D) we can see how they're trying to influence behavior of the carbuying public rather than letting the market determine our fate.
Let's change the subject and return to someone mentioned above. Perhaps you recall how Newt Gingrich savaged the Ryan plan for Medicare, much to the chagrin of conservatives and others who feel Medicare is unsustainable. Well, in an e-mail to supporters and others who happen to be on his list, he furiously backtracked:
The only way our country can win the future is by engaging our fellow citizens in serious discussions about major reform—not by avoiding hard choices. Congressman Ryan has made a key contribution to entitlement reform, courageously starting the conversation about how to save and improve Medicare. And that’s exactly the kind of national conversation I want our campaign to be about!
There is a reason over 1.4 million Americans are joining me in the online conversation to help win the future.
Yes, Newt, you were busted. But it is interesting to know that you have 1.4 million on your e-mail list.
So my mailbox is now relatively clean, and hopefully you're much more well-informed.