Odds and ends number 28
Have you ever wondered where the phrase 'odds and ends' comes from? Me neither, but I use it to describe posts where I have a number of little items which only need a paragraph or two.
Last week I told you about the drive to send SB167 (in-state tuition for illegal immigrants) to referendum. Well, the battle has another supporter in Delegate Justin Ready, a fellow freshman Republican to Delegate Neil Parrott. In an e-mail to supporters, Ready reminded us that:
Perhaps the worst piece of legislation that passed the General Assembly in the just-concluded session was SB 167: The Dream Act, which gives in-state tuition rates (taxpayer funded benefits) to illegal immigrants. It allows them to attend community colleges and the University System at the in-county and in-state rates.
We do have an alternative! The Maryland constitution provides for citizens to petition a passed bill to referendum by obtaining signatures. Several of us in the General Assembly have gotten together, led by Del. Neil Parrott from Washington County, to form a petition drive with dozens of pro-rule of law activists around Maryland. In order to put this measure on the ballot in the 2012 election, we must obtain 55,000 signatures from Maryland registered voters by the end of July. We have to obtain about 20,000 by May 31st. However, these petition drives are extremely tricky because the State Board of Elections looks for any excuse to void or disqualify a signature so we estimate that we'll need about 35,000 by May 31st and probably closer to 100,000 overall.
I think Ready is right on the money insofar as signatures go, but even if they are received the uphill battle really begins as liberals dig out all the so-called "victims" of this heartless TEA Party initiative. Of course, that can be countered by considering who could be aced out of a spot - perhaps a poor minority youth trying to escape poverty? That angle can play well in PG County and Baltimore City.
Speaking of poor legislation, Maryland continues to play Don Quixote tilting at windmills (well, they're actually turbines) to be built just a few miles off Ocean City. (Oil platforms will spoil the view, but wind turbines won't? Get real.) In part, this legislation stemmed from a drive to combat so-called global warming just as another push to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative did.
Well, New Jersey may be rethinking its position on RGGI, and a key Senator in that state made it a bipartisan push. Americans for Prosperity shared this news:
When the original legislation paving the way for New Jersey’s entry into RGGI was passed in 2008, it was done so on a bi-partisan basis. Likewise, dismantling RGGI will require support from members of both political parties.
By joining the movement to repeal RGGI, Senator (Paul) Sarlo became the first Democrat to back the effort to kill this Cap & Trade tax and opened the door for more of his Democrat colleagues in the Legislature to do the same. In fact, at (Thursday’s) press conference Senator Sarlo urged his fellow Democrats today to do just that.
Senator Sarlo did not arrive at this decision lightly. But when presented with the indisputable facts about the RGGI scheme -- including its lack of transparency, exploitation by “insiders” looking to speculate and profit on the backs of ratepayers, as well as the devastating consequences for New Jersey’s economy and jobs -- the senator made the call to stand up for New Jersey’s economic future.
Now, I'm not sure if New Jersey leaving RGGI would lead to any other states rethinking their position, although one would suspect newly-installed GOP governors and legislators in Pennsylvania and Maine may be most likely to do so. Unfortunately, Maryland has neither a GOP governor or legislature so utility ratepayers will continue to take it in the shorts for the foreseeable future.
Speaking of Maryland politics, we are now less than a year away from the 2012 primary. (At least we will be when this takes effect.) Hopefully they change the 2014 date to the last week in July because late June is too damn early to me. I like the date as it is in September but federal law changes make that impossible. Nothing like Fedzilla sticking its nose into state's affairs.
Anyway, I got an e-mail from one of the early U.S. Senate candidates on the GOP side (to face presumptive Democratic nominee, Senator Ben Cardin) offering to do a blog interview with me. So I asked the other two candidates that I'm aware of to match that offer - one is already on the ballot while the other will announce around the first of May.
This doesn't include Eric Wargotz yet, although my suspicion is that he'll jump into the race before summer. Hey, I'll interview him too. He knows I always have plenty of questions.
In case you're wondering, yes, I'm giving short shrift to two Democratic hopefuls. But the contest for both Raymond Levi Blagmon and perennial candidate Lih Young will be to manage to get one percent of the vote.
I think that's enough grist for the mill. I bet you all thought I was taking another long weekend off from the political but you have to admit we're in the silly season now. The only real big news seems to be the growing GOP Presidental field but no one is really going to be paying much attention to that until at least the Ames Straw Poll and more likely after Labor Day when things start getting serious. By then we'll have a decent idea of the contenders and the pretenders.