Odds and ends no. 9
It's one of those days I have a lot on my mind but not a lot to write about.
I pointed out a few times recently that the situation in Iraq seems to be coming off the table as an issue in 2008 because the surge seems to have worked and we're in the process of slowly drawing down our troop strength in that theater, returning to pre-surge levels by the middle of 2008. What this means is that border security and illegal immigration is becoming the number one issue in most Americans' minds. I bring this up because the poll-surging Mike Huckabee has come out with a detailed "Secure America" plan that bears study. I may review it tomorrow, tonight I simply want to bring it to your attention.
The other day I praised Bill Reddish for bringing out a lot of what Congressional candidate Christopher Robinson really believes in a ten-minute interview. So once I found out today that his scheduled interview was with fellow candidate E.J. Pipkin, I was looking forward to hearing from him - alas, Pipkin called in five minutes late and there wasn't much of a chance for listeners to get to know him better. Obviously Pipkin's chosen taxes and fiscal responsibility as his pet issue but I'd like to know a lot more and I'm sure others would too.
Speaking of the First District race, word comes from the PolitickerMD website (h/t to Red Maryland as well) that Rep. John Boehner, House Minority Leader, has endorsed the re-election of Wayne Gilchrest. Shades of Specter vs. Toomey 2004. While Boehner has the right to endorse the very moderate incumbent, in looking at things from a reinventionist Republican's standpoint I just have to shake my head in wonder.
I'm going to wrap up with a few blog-related items. First and foremost, one blog I became familiar with from all the readers I had in my Rushalance back in October was Bob McCarty Writes. While I link to his site below, this post on Pearl Harbor Day deserves special mention so even though I'm pretty much a day late I don't want to be a dollar short.
Turning to local stuff, it was pointed out by Salisbury News last weekend that our little area had the top three most influential political blogs in the state, at least as BlogNetNews measures it. (Now if Joe would only learn to spell my name correctly.) I would also make the case though that we have some of the most contentious websites in the state too, judging by the mudslinging that goes on in the local blogosphere. I try to pass on by it, but sometimes it grates on my nerves and right now in my mood I'm not going to be able to put up with as much. How about all of us doing the good job we do reporting news instead of making it?
Lastly, I've been remiss the last few days in not mentioning that, after almost 18 months, I finally have some Eastern Shore company in the Maryland Bloggers Alliance. Welcome to Shore and More, a blog I'd already linked to, but another in our MBA family of fine websites. Looks like we're up to 43 members and many thousands of readers from around the state.
As promised, a review of Huckabee's immigration plan tomorrow. It's scary to think that we're just 27 days away from the Iowa caucuses.