Odds and ends no. 8
Haven't done an "odds and ends" post since February but I have a few itty-bitty items tonight that I wanted to touch on:
Saw this in my e-mail box today. Apparently Mike Huckabee's campaign manager Chip Saltsman agreed with my assessment last night about his amount of face time:
Well that debate was definitely different. Gov. Huckabee hit every question out of the park but he wasn't asked nearly enough questions...Given the actual amount of air time the Governor had at today's debate, we are clearly going to need the financial resources to cut through the media filter and speak directly with voters.
Yes, he couched it as a fundraising appeal but it's nice to have my observation validated. However, one thing I'll promise Governor Huckabee is as much time to answer my questions as he desires. On his blogsite he does solicit "blogs for interview" and I'd certainly be happy to ask him a few tough but fair questions that I feel would better inform the voters. And he can take just as many words as his heart desires to answer them. After all, while I've endorsed Duncan Hunter bear in mind that even my bottom choice among the GOP hopefuls is far, far better than any Democrat.
Speaking of Democrats, another e-mail I got was from Bill Richardson's Presidential campaign. I'm not sure he's yet gotten the memo where President Bush can't be elected to a third term. But he sure borrowed a page from his cohort John Edwards and is one of eight governors suing President Bush over his veto of the SCHIP reauthorization. Richardson notes:
The President has been openly hostile to children's health care. New SCHIP regulations that his Administration issued in August violate the intent of Congress, interfering with the states' existing SCHIP programs and limiting their expansion.
And now we're joining forces with New York, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, Washington, Arizona, and New Hampshire -- and we're taking President Bush to court.
Somehow I KNEW Maryland would be in on that. Naturally, all of the governors involved are Democrats.
On another recent post, the results are in for the "In Honor" fund drive. 35 blogs helped with the effort, and the total raised was $5,823. It was short of their revised $10,000 goal but blew by the original $2,000 benchmark they set. So if any of you donated, give yourselves a hand.
I'll leave you with this for tonight. On a totally unrelated note, it's time to crank up the Iron Maiden. I didn't notice it until the very end but my last post on the Green Fund was post number 666. It's sort of a funny milestone I guess, and given the tendency of radical environmentalists to equate their cause to a religion it's possibly more appropriate than one would think at first glance.