Not sure where it all came from...but I'll take it.
It was a pretty good day here at monoblogue, nice readership spike. Yeah, I'll give Joe some of the credit but he only provided 20% of the referrals, and normally he's 10-15% on a regular basis.
But I'm not going to change to a radio review website, so I need some other stuff to bring you all back. And that's what I'll be working on next week since my heavy workload is coming to an end and it'll be back to a more normal 7 to 5 day for me.
I did want to make another point about John Robinson though. On Monday he got into the whole Jack "the Dripper" Kevorkian (aka the "Doctor of Death") controversy. My contention with the philosophy Kevorkian holds is that it cheapens life to a great extent. While having a living will is not a bad thing, and assisted suicide for the terminally ill sounds like the humanitarian way to go, bear in mind that many of Kevorkian's victims may not have been terminally ill.
Regardless, my point is that euthanasia can be seen as the mirror image of abortion on the other end of a lifespan. Instead of killing for the convenience of the mother, you're killing for the convenience of the offspring. But the victim is just as dead.
And while this is sort of an anecdotal story, a recent incident in Kansas makes me wonder just how desensitized society has become to death thanks to abortion and euthanasia. As Wichita Police Chief Norman Williams notes, "This (incident) is just appalling. I could continue shopping and not render aid and then take time out to take a picture? That's crazy. What happened to our respect for life?"
So what did happen to our respect for life?