No opposition desired
It seems like I've heard this story before, but now an incident involving Congressman Chris Van Hollen and his recently-redistricted constituency in Carroll County has drawn the attention of law enforcement there.
Van Hollen has scheduled a public townhall meeting at Carroll County Community College (CCCC) for this coming Monday, a fact not lost on Michelle Jefferson of We the People - Carroll County, a nonpartisan local group which states as its purpose:
WTP exists to inform and educate anyone who has a desire to hear and learn about the political goings on in a nonpartisan approach. Every political party is represented in WTP - we believe we are Americans first and foremost and there’s no sunshine between the two major parties.
Locally, however, they're known for being a group sympathetic to the TEA Party. So when Jefferson said about the CCCC townhall meeting, "I say we give him a WTP welcome to the neighborhood. Bet (Rep. Van Hollen) can't find Westminster with his GPS," the sarcastic tone was taken to be a threat by Carroll County Democratic Central Committee member Don West.
Bear in mind that this is a public meeting. Yet, as reported at Frontline State, the threats perceived by West have led to a peace order being slapped on Jefferson, of which a copy can be viewed at FLS. In it, West affirms that he "contend(s) that the respondent has engaged in a malicious course of conduct in which the respondent approached or pursued you with the intent to place you in reasonable fear of serious bodily injury or death?" as a stalker. All this over Jefferson calling West "a weenie & a jackass." and pointing out that he had previously tried to secure a peace order against her - this was his second try, according to the complaint. It's worth noting the same document lists Jefferson as being 5'-5" and 120 pounds, so I don't see her as an imposing physical presence to Don West, who I have never met so I can't ascertain his size. Chances are, though, he's larger than Jefferson.
But Michael, you may argue, she's inciting a mob to riot at the event!
Please tell me where a TEA Party has gotten out of hand and trashed the venue at which it was held or committed physical violence to someone there. And even if you find an isolated incident I'm not privy to, won't there be security at the Van Hollen townhall meeting? Certainly the words may be a little bit heated, but if anything one would think those who oppose Van Hollen would be on their best behavior given the knowledge of this so-called threat and the penchant of anyone in the media to assume the TEA Party is a bunch of troublemakers. (This, of course, assumes Van Hollen goes through with the meeting given the political climate created by his Democratic supporter, who believes the TEA Party has "violent tendencies.")
In the meantime, answering the peace order will cost Jefferson part of her day at work and may serve to exempt Jefferson from the Van Hollen townhall meeting, because attending could be a violation of the order - one could reasonably expect West will be there as a Van Hollen backer. However, he is also an elected official so one would have to question the legal standard used by the court commissioner, Michele L. Keys.
I found the reaction from Sixth District Congessional candidate Dan Bongino interesting, given his background in the Secret Service. In a release, Bongino stated in part:
After a 2012 campaign marred by vehicle and property vandalism and a more recent, brazen display of government intimidation by the IRS, the Democrats are at it again. Now they are attempting to use law enforcement to intimidate and silence one of my former volunteers and a female Conservative activist in Carroll County, Maryland.
As a former law enforcement officer and a Secret Service agent with specific expertise in evaluating political threats, the Maryland Democratic Party should be embarrassed by this shameful attempt at intimidation and the corresponding waste of law enforcement resources. I am calling on the Maryland Democratic Party to issue a public apology to the Carroll County law enforcement officials involved and Mrs. Jefferson, immediately.
Apparently Dan knows Jefferson and didn't perceive her as a threat; then again, she's not likely to ask tough questions about Dan's political views.
But the question of whether this so-called threat as a political weapon remains; on the other hand, it could serve as a call to arms for our side. The newly-christened Citizen Action Network (still MDCAN, but with a new "C") added:
If you wish to show your support for WTP and demonstrate your displeasure with the Democrat party's continued harassment of tea party activist groups, you can attend the public "meet and greet" with Congressman Van Hollen.
Given the recent IRS revelations alluded to by Bongino, the real threat may be coming from liberal Democrats. Whether it's finding a court commissioner easily convinced by flimsy and circumstantial evidence or additional IRS scrutiny for TEA Party groups, our freedom could be at stake. But I would encourage people in every Congressional district to attend town hall meetings, regardless of whether they agree with the Congressman's politics or not. It's a very basic step toward an informed public, and should be taken advantage of when the opportunity is presented.