Murphy upset at 'tone deaf' Maryland GOP
The "other" candidate in Maryland's Republican primary for governor doesn't mince words when describing his feelings toward the decision to waive a national Republican Party rule and allow the national GOP to inject money into the Maryland governor's race.
"The national mood is anti-big government, anti-tax and spend, and anti-incumbent. So what does the Maryland GOP do? They back someone who has a record of being pro-big government, pro-taxes and pro-spending. Are they tone deaf? Do they not sense the mood of the country? If there has ever been a time for a fiscal conservative to win in Maryland, this is it."
Murphy continued, "Maryland needs to get its fiscal house in order, and we can't afford to let this opportunity slip away. Voters deserve choices. Isn't that the point of a primary? Ehrlich and I disagree on nearly everything, and all I'm asking for is an open debate on the issues."
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