More revised and extended remarks
I've said this before, although it's been awhile: I don't like wasting my good writing. Like odds and ends I collect in my e-mail box that I save for later comment, I need to get better at the habit of sharing what I say on someone's social media to this audience because the Venn diagram of their readership and my readership doesn't always intersect.
This is set up by a post that simply said "The Empire strikes back." What the writer meant was that current Maryland governor Larry Hogan formerly endorsed the recently-resigned Maryland Secretary of Commerce Kelly Schulz as his successor - essentially in response to a now months-old endorsement of Delegate Daniel Cox for the same job by Donald Trump. Along with my belief that Hogan's endorsement was already "baked into the cake" in this race based on Trump's backing, it was a race I commented on the other day. But I wanted to expand on my thoughts after a post in response by longtime Maryland politico Carmen Amedori:
Lots of luck with that. 95% of MD GOP voted for Trump. Meaning 95% will not vote for an anti Trump endorsement. In a fair election Dan wins.
Carmen Amedori, former Maryland Delegate and (briefly) candidate for Lieutenant Governor in 2010.
Once that post went up, another longtime Republican, Scott Shaffer, responded:
You’re quoting a “news” site written by the LG candidate? Lol. Not to mention that a small group of Lincoln Day Dinner attendees is much different from primary voters as a whole.
Scott Shaffer, longtime Republican Party leader.
I think the website is written by the LG candidate's husband but anyway, Scott's a good guy - although we've been on opposite sides at times over the years. His claim to fame here was his unsuccessful bid to oust Louis Pope as Maryland's National Committeeman in 2012.
So I felt I needed to add a couple pennies to this interesting race - better than much of anything going on in Delaware, that's for sure.
Of the MDGOP who showed up to vote in 2016 and 2020, Carmen is probably pretty close when she says 95%. (I think the polling average was in the low 90s.) But that only counts the ones who weren't discouraged enough by the candidates to stay home. The tell would be turnout % among Rs and Ds, but that doesn't seem to be a number easily chased down for 2020 thanks to the unique nature of the election.
On the other hand, consider the poll Carmen cites was a DGA poll, so they're trying to bump up support for the viable candidate they believe is easiest for them to beat. Unfortunately, in Maryland a lot of "independent" voters believe all the lies and half-truths told about Donald Trump, which is why the D's try to tie all R candidates to him. (It also obfuscates their woeful record.)
The ones who were believers in the Trump "America First" agenda will most likely vote for Dan. Whether it will be enough to win a primary is an open question; however, the constantly changing primary date may prove to Dan's advantage because I believe he has the more passionate voters.
"Not to mention that a small group of Lincoln Day Dinner attendees is much different from primary voters as a whole."
You are aware these are the influencers in the local GOP, right? Obviously if Kelly won a straw poll at the AA Lincoln Day Dinner it would be presented as proof she's the better candidate, despite the fact it's still a miniscule number of voters.
I'd love to see a reputable poll of the race, but no one has really polled it according to RCP. This would document the amount of Hogan fatigue in the MDGOP.
My social media response.
Scott contended that Cox would be "Brian Murphy 2.0" because he doesn't have a ton of name recognition and it's possible he may be right. But I don't think either of the two have a ton of name ID and the Maryland media is going to be vacuumed up by all the Democrats fighting for airtime prior to the primary. To me, it's a race that's Kelly's to lose but if Larry Hogan keeps playing the RINO the association with Larry may hurt her.