Minority report
If you believe the polls, most are saying that Senator Joe Biden outperformed Governor Sarah Palin in Thursday night's Vice-Presidential debate. However, discerning readers should know that these polls aren't scientific in nature - especially if they're internet-based. So I'm going to give you the other side, beginning with the Maryland Republican Party:
After (Thursday) night’s Vice Presidential Debate, Maryland Republican Party Chairman Jim Pelura released the following statement:
"Governor Palin clearly showed that she is ready to lead as Vice President of the United States. She won this debate, besting Joe Biden in the areas of energy, taxes, the economy, foreign policy, and even education” Chairman Pelura said. “Governor Palin also did a great job of contrasting Barack Obama's record of voting to raise taxes, opposing the surge in Iraq, and proposing to meet unconditionally with the leaders of state sponsors of terror with John McCain’s record of fighting for lower taxes, working across party lines to put our country first, and moral clarity in our foreign policy.”
“The differences between the Obama-Biden ticket and the McCain-Palin ticket could not have been clearer,” continued Pelura. “The American people saw stark contrasts in style and worldview. They saw Joe Biden, a Washington insider and a 36-year Senator who often bent the truth during the debate, and Governor Palin, a Washington outsider and a maverick reformer. Governor Palin was direct, forceful and a breath of fresh air."
Senator McCain and Governor Palin have a bi-partisan record of accomplishment that Barack Obama and Joe Biden simply don't have. John McCain has fought to shake up Washington D.C. and Sarah Palin has spent her time in office shaking up government in Alaska. Barack Obama has spent his time in office running for President. With John McCain as President and Sarah Palin as Vice President, we can rest easy knowing that they will be fighting for hard-working families and small businesses every day,” concluded Chairman Pelura.
I can't argue with that, although I only happened to catch the back half of the debate. During the part I watched, all Biden kept doing besides overacting on the part about losing his wife and daughter was attempt to tie John McCain and George W. Bush together. I enjoyed how Sarah put Slow Joe in his place about looking backward instead of forward. Certainly many facets of President Bush's two terms have left me wanting, but I'm also sure that neither Al Gore nor John Kerry would have done any better and probably left us far worse off. And I'd certainly put more trust in someone who's served in an executive capacity if the unthinkable happens than I would a guy who's never run anything bigger than a Senate staff.
And after Katie Couric took the time to make Governor Palin look as bad as she could during her interview with Sarah, it's encouraging to see someone standing up for her. I'm pleased to embed this video from some friends of mine:
Another reason to like Governor Palin is her fighting spirit. I'd love to have John McCain announce he's pulling out of Maryland or Delaware just so we could get Sarah Palin to this side of the country. (Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana would be an interesting speaker to come stump this way too.) Instead we'll have former candidate for Governor here in Maryland Ellen Sauerbrey as our speaker at the McCain/Palin rally I'll be attending shortly down at Salisbury's City Park. But I'll have my camera there nonetheless and see what kind of stories I can come up with.
While the partisan media wants us to believe that the election of Barack Obama is a fait accompli and Frank Kratovil's supporters would love you to think that Andy Harris is too extreme for the First District, I beg to differ and you know what? I suspect I'll be proven correct when it's all said and done.
Just as a heads-up, I may actually have more posts than normal next week assuming my work schedule allows, all because I have about 30 items in my "blog ideas" mailbox and I'd like to get through the backlog before we're too close to the election. (This post knocked off two of them.) It's more reading for you.
Also, I'm trying to ascertain whether my Red County site has polling capability - if so I'll begin doing some there because I don't have that plugin on WordPress. (The other site uses MovableType.) It's a work in progress, I asked the main editor who brought me on board about it yesterday evening.
It's all more things to look forward to.