Message to TPX3: don't forget Delmarva
Having interviewed one of the main protagonists not once, but twice as a result of cross-country bus tours, I probably have a little more insight than the average person on what the goals of the Tea Party Express were and continue to be.
That's why I'm a little disappointed with the first look at the route planned for next March and April as TPX3 rolls across the country once again. The route covers 27 states and does briefly run through Delaware and Maryland (via I-95) on its way to the final stop in Washington D.C.
But unless they're planning a whistle stop somewhere in the northeast corner of Maryland they're forgetting about a vulnerable Democrat freshman who voted in favor of cap-and-tax, and wouldn't necessarily pass up a chance to support Obamacare and restoring the death tax if certain conditions were met (I refer to them as his thirty pieces of silver - needless to say they come at taxpayer expense.)
With the looping path being taken already, I don't think it's all that difficult to spend an afternoon (most likely April 14, the eve of the next major taxpayer rally in Washington, D.C.) traversing the Delmarva because there's a lot at stake in the 2010 election in our neck of the woods, too. We'll have two freshman Democrats (Kratovil of Maryland and Nye of Virginia) running for re-election as well as an open Congressional seat in Delaware as Mike Castle tries to move to the Senate - most likely against Joe Biden's son Beau, the First State's current Attorney General. The Democrats already have a pretty strong candidate eyeing that Congressional seat, former Lieutentant Governor John Carney. The "Delaware Way" doesn't have to be the only way.
Perhaps a good way to convince them to work our way is to show them the money. But I'd rather do it through a simple application of logic because we're not a people of vast means.
They have the opportunity to influence four different races (if you count Maryland's U.S. Senate seat which is up for election and held by Barbara Mikulski) in a few hours' work on a peninsula which too often feels shut out of the political process. So that's my bid and hopefully they'll listen.