Media matters
David Craig is claiming to be the first to launch a series of radio ads touting his "glide path" tax plan, in which he exhorts Marylanders to "vote yourself a raise." Give a listen to the one-minute version.
In the release which accompanies this video rendition of Craig's ad, though, it notes that the spots are 30 seconds long. I'm not sure what portion of the long-form version they kept, but the ads are now supposedly running on two Baltimore radio stations, WBAL-AM and WCBM-AM. Obviously I don't know what sort of buy they made, or how much they paid, but my guess is that they spent a little more than the $5 a spot Red Maryland Radio is charging - and presumably have a far larger audience, depending on placement. If they are on during Rush Limbaugh, yeah, that's a big audience.
I like the touch of the female narrator, which will contrast with the mainly male hosts and attempt to soften Craig's image. He already comes across as the grandfatherly type given his age and demeanor - that may compare favorably with the rock-star image our current governor has.
As Craig's campaign points out:
This is the first, paid-media buy by any of the gubernatorial candidates and begins a month-long radio campaign that promotes a bold plan to lower taxes burden on hard-working families, and finally does something to keep Maryland citizens and businesses from moving out of state.
Ending the personal income tax is only one part of our plan to turn back the onslaught of insane new taxes and tax increases created over the past eight years by the O'Malley-Brown administration.
Obviously they also add:
And as always, to keep these radio ads running and ultimately change the ultra-liberal, one-party culture of Annapolis we will need your financial support.
All of the candidates are far short of the social media juggernaut which is Change Maryland - in comparison, David Craig is by far the piker with just 4,620 "likes." But Craig used that Facebook platform today to talk finance:
It comes as no surprise that Maryland will see a decrease in projected revenues in FY15. The O’Malley/Brown administration through their failed economic policies have once again opted to kick the can down the road. Maryland’s working and middle-class have been asked to bear the burden of their mistakes for the last 7 years; as a result, many have fled the state because life in Maryland has become unaffordable.
Under our administration, Jeannie and I will provide real substantive tax relief for all Marylanders and balance our budget by ending uncontrolled spending. We will make Maryland affordable once again.
I suppose the key question which occurs to me is whether placing the state on a "glide path" will be enough relief for those beaten and battered Marylanders who are ready to throw in the towel and head for greener pastures. Craig's idea isn't quite as aggressive as the competing tax plan by Charles Lollar, who believes the additional sales tax and economic activity will make up the difference. So while they are waiting for a second term of David Craig, how many will go to those places which already feature all these tax advantages?
Whether it's the competition or just getting more familiar with the levers of state government, it is encouraging to see David getting more bold with many of his ideas. Perhaps he can shake that moderate image enough to get through the GOP primary, and I'm sure that's where the radio ads are aimed.