Lucky number seven?
It may have escaped notice in yesterday’s Daily Times article but there’s now seven chasing after the Republican and Democrat nominations for the Congressional seat Wayne Gilchrest holds.
I just added the GOP hopeful, John Leo Walter, to my link list this evening and will add Democrat and perennial candidate Kostas Alexakis once his website is up again.
So the field tightens up a little bit. At the moment Walter’s site is up but still undergoing construction - however, I did sign up for e-mail updates. He does put the WCRC in a quandry though because we only have three speaking slots remaining before the primary aside from a brief chance to address the audience at our Straw Poll next month. We may end up with a twofer during one of the meetings, which has happened on occasion.
Meanwhile, Alexakis is trying for at least the third time to get the nomination, and this means both of the 2006 primary losers are in the field. However, Dr. Jim Corwin thus far has made no indication about getting back into the race - you may recall he won the primary for the Democrats but only garnered 31% of the November vote.
At this time, I’ve heard nothing about minor party candidates but I probably wouldn’t yet link to them anyway since they don’t undergo the primary process - nine months is plenty of time to learn about a candidate. It’s quite amazing to think that, if Wayne Gilchrest loses in the primary to one of his GOP challengers, he’ll be a lame duck Congressman for 10 1/2 months. Silly how far back the primary season has gotten, isn’t it?