Lots of guv news
It worked out that something came to my attention from all four gubernatorial candidates in the last few hours to couple days, so I decided to go through them in polling order.
This mean's Larry Hogan's comments about our state's moribund economy lead things off. In response to a U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis report that Maryland's state GDP did not budge over the last year, Hogan said:
Today, the Federal Government confirmed what Marylanders have long known: Our economy is dead in the water. The tax and spend policies and mismanagement of the Martin O'Malley and Anthony Brown years have destroyed jobs and are driving residents and employers out of state. It's time to end one-party rule and get Maryland’s economy moving again.
The state's economy was all but stagnant in 2013, essentially unchanged from 2012. Only the District of Columbia and Alaska did worse, as both of those went into a statewide recession. And while it can be argued that the government shutdown had a negative impact on the region - as noted, the District of Columbia lost economic ground and Virginia only eked out 0.1% growth - it just points out the need for Maryland to diversify its economy and not just be the home for government workers along the I-95 corridor.
Meanwhile, David Craig attempted to shore up support in western Maryland by announcing an endorsement from former Congressman Roscoe Bartlett, who called Craig:
...the only candidate for governor that has a record of accomplishment. He has cut taxes, cut the size of the government, and vigorously opposed gun control legislation as a member of the General Assembly, which has earned him an "A" rating from the NRA. No other candidate has fought for our conservative values like him. No other candidate has the experience to lead our state like he does. I am proud to endorse David Craig for Governor, he will be our voice in Annapolis.
Bartlett has gained a lot of respect from voters in that region of the state over the years, so this isn't a bad thing to have in your pocket. Of course, it's not going to make up all of the ground David needs to gain on Larry Hogan, but it helps shore up a portion of the state which is somewhat up for grabs as it has no favorite son in the race.
The Charles Lollar camp took heart in Dave Brat's Virginia win on Tuesday night:
You just saw it in Virginia: Eric Cantor outspent his opponent by 40-to-1 and was defeated in a landslide in yesterday’s primary.
Why? Because Cantor was out of touch with the Republican base, and because Dave Brat’s volunteers were passionate – just as you are!
Don’t let Establishment Republicans in Maryland steal your victory from you for a few dollars.
They've also touted endorsements from several minority groups:
I was thrilled last night at the reception I was given at the First Baptist Church of Glenarden, one of the largest churches in Prince Georges County.
And this came right after Ken and I were endorsed by the Business & Clergy Partnership of Prince Georges County, a group that represents 300 predominantly black churches and small businesses.
Now the latter becomes interesting after I found this item. Perhaps the Prince George's group is making an endorsement in both primaries, but the Maryland branch endorsed Doug Gansler first. Charles may do well in Prince George's County, but unless he was handing out lots of voter registration change cards prior to the June 3 deadline, there may not be a Lollar on the November ballot for whom to vote.
And then we come to Ron George, who is definitely pulling out all the stops here. He's also jumped on the Dave Brat bandwagon by making a late issue of illegal immigration by pledging to restore a lawful presence requirement for driver's licenses. Said Ron:
Maryland cannot afford to once again be giving driver's licenses to those unlawfully present in the state. The current two-tier system offers no protections. A driver's license is the recognized ID card throughout the United States. The second tier may help to keep someone out of federal buildings, but it does nothing to protect Marylanders from criminals and others who are unlawfully present.
A terrorist or even a sexual predator on the national registry can come here under a new name, and we do not check their status. Our proximity to Washington, D.C., as well as our airports, harbor, tunnels and bridges means Maryland needs a governor who will lead. The George/Aloi Administration will get Maryland back to lawfully present secure driver's licenses and observe the federal and state rule of law.
I don't quite get the last sentence (perhaps he needed the quotation marks as written below) but the idea is sound. Ron also provides some helpful background:
Ron George won a three year fight for "Lawfully Present, Secure Driver's Licenses" in 2009, but O’Malley, Busch and Miller overturned it in 2013.
In 2008 and 2009, Ron George proved Maryland had handed Driver's Licenses to MS 13 gang members. When terrorists were caught in other states planning attacks on military bases, they had Maryland drivers licenses. Prince George’s Emergency Hospital System was going under from the large influx of undocumented immigrants who didn't pay for services and hundreds of millions were spent to keep it afloat. There were lines around Motor Vehicle Administration locations (MVA’s) everyday. Now, once again, we have an enormous backlog of applicants at the MVA.
And then we have this from the Ron George "grooveyard of forgotten favorites":
Hey, it got a little bit of media love from the folks at Rare - but still has fewer than 700 views. It's the kind of thing he could have used back in April - maybe things would have turned out differently.
And this is just a couple days' worth. But don't forget - in a couple hours early voting begins around the state. And if I may be so bold as to make a campaign plug - and yes, there is an authority line on this website - Wicomico County GOP voters should make sure they get to page 2 on the ballot. Central Committee is the final office listed, and my name is second-to-last this time (in 2006 and 2010 I was listed last.) Whether you "bullet vote" just one or select nine, I'd appreciate it if my name was among those you select. And spread the word!