Light posting ahead
Because of the confluence of work and nice weather I've found the time to post and enjoyment of sitting inside have been on the wane lately. I've also found that this time of year isn't all that great for readership anyway because people are out and about.
Saying that, this is just to tell faithful readers that over the next 10 days or so there may be some days off. At the moment I am planning just a few posts:
The Weekend of local rock 23 post I promised with the bands from last week. I may include Salisbury Festival bands in that as well.
An overall pictorial post on the Salisbury Festival.
My semi-annual "market basket" grocery price comparison post.
The monthly report on the Wicomico County Republican Club meeting, although that may come out a couple days after the fact because of work.
Coverage of the Spring Convention of the Maryland Republican Party. Sadly, it doesn't appear I'll be able to cover the social aspect due to a previous commitment that evening.
And of course a new Shorebird of the Week.
There's truthfully not much happening in the political world, which is generally the case during the warmer months of the year. So consider this fair warning, but check back in case I do bring up something new.