Last chance to sign the petition
In order to have signatures safely into the state by June 30, the forces behind taking SB167 (the in-state tuition for illegal immigrants bill) are holding mass signing events at selected locations around the state.
Locally, there is one signing point for each county:
Wicomico: MVA office, 251 Tilghman Road, Salisbury
Worcester: 65th Street and Coastal Highway, Ocean City (parked at courthouse parking lot)
Dorchester: Cambridge Post Office, 301 High Street, Cambridge
Somerset: Westover Post Office, 27741 Fairmount Road, Westover
The initial wave of signatures turned in May 31 yielded over 47,000 of the 55,000 required, but pro-illegal groups like the ACLU and CASA de Maryland are planning to look over signatures with a fine-toothed comb to toss out any that are one scintilla deviant from the official on-file signature. (In other words, they don't want the people to have a voice. Shame on the ACLU in particular since they should be all about liberty.)
Given the fact our counties combined for just 1,325 of the total we have a lot of room for growth. Hopefully you can make it out there if you haven't signed yet.
(Hat tip: Ann Corcoran at the Potomac TEA Party Report.)