Land of opportunity for the politically correct?
This piece continues a theme I undertook a few days ago, but adds the rebuttal from the DBED, among other things...
Last week on my home site I speculated on the motives of selecting three Maryland companies for inclusion in a state-sponsored program called MaryLand of Opportunity. The program puts three businesses in the spotlight through a series of television and radio spots, paid for in part by the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development.
The three businesses selected are B'More Organic, which manufactures and sells an Icelandic yogurt variant called skyr in smoothie form, wind-powered electrical broker Clean Currents, and Apples & Oranges, a Baltimore-based supermarket located in an area of the city determined to be a "food desert." The theme used to sell the trio to the public was one of "Good for you, Good for Maryland, Good for the Planet." At this point, the campaign has put together a thirty-second television commercial for B'More Organic and radio spots of thirty and ninety seconds for Clean Currents; DBED is also promoting the campaign on social media via Facebook and Twitter.
Conventional media outlets included are the Baltimore Sun, CBS Radio, and WJZ-TV, which are matching the $130,000 chipped in by Maryland taxpayers with services to bring the campaign's total value to $350,000.
(Continued at the Watchdog Wire...)