Kratovil comment spam?
For the most part, I welcome comments of all stripes but a few days ago I had some interesting comments come my way. And after a little bit of investigation, I found out this same person had commented on at least a couple other local blogs in what appears to be a concerted effort to put out the word about where Frank Kratovil stands.
What got me interested in these comments were that they came in response to posts which were months old, from earlier in the spring. Normally the comments I get come in response to much more recent posts, generally ones on the front page of my site. In this case, my guess is that this person did a search here for Kratovil-related items and found the two posts in question much to his disliking.
Here's the comment in question, from Joe. This same comment appeared on two different posts:
Frank Kratovil is better on the war –> He wants to end it.
Frank Kratovil is better on Social Security –> He wants to save it and not privatize unlike his opponent Harris.
Frank Kratovil is better on Immigration –> He has a long record as a State’s Attorney fighting illegal immigration on the front lines, which is why Harris never talks about it.
Frank Kratovil is better on the environment –> He believes in renewable energy and a modern solution to the energy crisis, while Harris has the 6th worse lifetime voting record on the environment out of 188 legislators in the Maryland Legislature.
Frank Kratovil is better on Health Care –> He wants to ensure it for everyone, Harris thinks the free market will take care of that which is what free market thinkers have said for 20 years, guess it doesn’t work.
Frank Kratovil is a better man. Andy Harris showed during the Primary that he would say or do anything to get elected and that included demeaning a sitting United States Congressman, the Honorable Wayne Gilchrest, and in doing so showed his true colors of extremism and irrational thinking.
That was one thing, and I shrugged my shoulders, approved the comments and life went on. But then in doing my reading I found a post on Delmarva Dealings and a post on ShoreIndie with essentially that same comment! Also, another commentor named Austin made his rounds about the same time, but with different comments.
So I guess Joe has been blogged. But I may as well have some fun addressing Joe's comment while I'm at it.
Frank Kratovil wants to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Has he not figured out that the radical Islamists will just follow the troops back? I don't know about you but I've no interest in dealing with another day like 9/11 was.
And what exactly would be wrong with privatizing Social Security? After all, it is MY money, not the government's. I'd be damn happy to have my 40 large back and certainly my employers could use their share too.
I'm sure Frank is doing a great job fighting illegal immigration from his current post, which is why I'd like him to remain right there until his term is up in 2010. Andy Harris would be more useful fighting in Congress.
While I can't speak for Harris on the energy issue, I'm in full support of his voting record which supports common sense over additional restrictions on what we can drive, how we do our dishes, and particularly what we can do with our own private property. Renewable energy will come in time, but let's allow the entrepreneurs of the private sector their crack at making themselves a fortune finding it, not taxpayers paying a fortune to have favored friends of those in Congress lurch down blind alleys on our dime.
Joe, let me say this again: health care is NOT a right! If a person doesn't want to buy insurance, they assume a risk. It should not be up to government at any level to force us to have health insurance. Please tell me where we have a free market in health care when the federal and state governments spend billions in that field and constantly place new restrictions on what has to be covered.
If demeaning Wayne Gilchrest means taking a look at his record and showing that he votes with Nancy Pelosi as much or more than he does with this party - when he's sent to Washington to represent the interests of a district that would maybe give the said Mrs. Pelosi 5% of the vote if she's lucky - then I'd consider him guilty of that charge.
Joe, don't be scared about having less government. I'm looking forward to having Andy Harris fight for my interests in Washington D.C. Perhaps he could set an example like Senator Tom Coburn does in his legislative body, and not just be another Beltway politician who treats the taxpayers like a piggy bank for his favored special interests.
"Drill baby drill, and drill now!" - Michael Steele at this evening's Republican National Convention.