I have a good friend (and onetime coworker) back in Ohio by the name of Bob Densic, but on social media he’s known as Back to Basics. A few days ago he asked: “America, are you listening?”
14 if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
This passage of Scripture, 2 Chronicles 7:14, is yet another passage on my heart, and another that can make America worth blessing again. It’s the answer to Romans 1 that I talked about last week.
First of all, we were founded as one nation under God, so I think that would help to qualify us as His people.
And I get that admitting we were wrong (in other words, humbling ourselves) isn’t the easiest thing to do in a world where, thanks to our pride, some of us have to always be right. However, it is probably easier to do if we have already admitted, “Lord, I am a sinner.” (If not, you may as well face facts, right? We already had our sinless man and it’s not you. Doesn’t matter what good works you think you have done, because like beach houses vs. Hurricane Ian they can be turned to wreckage in the sand in just a few hours.) That often leads to the prayer, face-seeking, and turning from our wicked ways. Most of you reading would agree: America has its share of wicked ways right now. If you don’t, you may be the most in need of reading this.
That, of course, leads to the question of hearing from Heaven and forgiving the sin. Honestly, I don’t think the good Lord is overtly whispering in my ear, but I know I am blessed and that’s answer enough for me. Of course, having accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior that covers the forgiveness of sin. Trust me, if I can do it, pretty much anyone can.
Yesterday I wrote about the idea of absolute power corrupting absolutely, and that applies to any sinful man you can find.
That piece could have also been considered an end result of the Romans 1 nation, and I could see some in my audience nodding their heads about that assessment. But we do have some free will within us and as I read Romans 1 God only gives over those who make the conscious decision to reject Him. You can also retain the knowledge that He is in control through your acceptance.
As a nation we have found ourselves following this Biblical admonition before: the First Great Awakening of the 18th century preceded the American Revolution and the Second Great Awakening of the 19th century was a feature of our nation’s infancy. Maybe the third time is the charm to set things right?