This was initially going to be an odds and ends post, but when I reread this pair of pieces on
’s Declassified Substack I decided to promote it.She didn’t write them, but the person who did, Air Force Lt. Col. Larry Brock (Ret.), remains a political prisoner of the government until later this summer. His crime: nonviolently entering the Capitol on J6.
Back in December of 2020, I heard about the events that were planned for January 6, and I even had an opportunity to take a bus trip up to hear President Trump speak and protest at the Capitol. As a proud veteran of 9/12 and a few other TEA Party events, I thought for a little bit about going but decided it wouldn’t be worth it - I already had enough trouble getting around, it was a workday for me, and Congress wasn’t going to stop for what were even then troubling allegations about what went on during the 2020 election. It was sort of like the attitude official Washington had after Barack Obama was elected - with the hatred of Trump inside the Beltway, I knew Joe Biden would get an extended honeymoon that began before he even took office.
I just figured it would be a few dozen thousand who would hear speeches and protest, so let me tell you I was frightened for our country as word leaked out about what was going on. I’m even more frightened about what we’ve been learning about that fateful day since it went down.
But let’s say I had gone and trod upon the “sacred” ground in an effort to relive my 9/12 days. Perhaps I would have been within the restricted zone and gotten a visit from my friendly neighborhood FBI agent. After all, if they were acquiring cell phone data to see who was in the general area, obviously mine would have come up and I’m sure I have some sort of political reputation as a longtime blogger and writer who admits to being “barely left of militia.” After all, Brock served his country for two decades but the judge and jury didn’t care because he was a Trump supporter.
Knowing now what he didn’t know then, Brock assesses:
If you ever find yourself in prison and as a MAGA conservative you just might if Biden wins in November, I recommend you begin reading in the Book of Acts. The Apostle Paul spent many days in prison. Never once in all my time in prison was I ever deprived of God's holy word, but I will now hide it in my heart in much greater quantities and urge you to do the same. A man with a tattered Bible will not have a tattered life. I wish I believed that as a younger man with the fervor I do now. (Emphasis mine.)
Turns out the Book of Acts is one of my favorite parts of Scripture, although it’s not because of Paul being in prison.
But think of it this way: even when Barack Obama was elected and conservatives worried about the effects of his “fundamental change,” did people worry about being thrown in jail for their beliefs? Maybe the tinfoil hat, ultraconservative John Birch Society types had that thought in the back of their minds and on their shortwave radio talk shows, but most conservatives looked at this as just another one or two terms to endure before their side came back in. However, the actions of the Obama regime led directly to what’s happening now. Remember how he secretly seized phone records from journalists to find out who leaked information? Or sicced the IRS on TEA Party groups?
So when Trump came in, everyone expected a little bit of “tit for tat” from his administration, but he was thwarted by the same people who looked the other way when Obama got away with the things he did. The reason: Trump didn’t and couldn’t replace those people who decided those who didn’t believe in “my government, wrong or right” was the enemy. As I often say, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
If we are cursed with a second term of Joe Biden (read: a fourth term for Barack Obama, which is the way this seems to be working out) I wouldn’t be surprised if any sort of counter-protest isn’t grounds for filling up jails. You can’t protest in front of an abortion clinic without running afoul of an unconstitutional law (which was once upheld by a completely different SCOTUS in the 1990s), nor can you do donuts on a rainbow crosswalk without risking a felony - but feel free to damage with impunity a statue of a dead white guy who you believe owned slaves 200 years ago.
J6 was the first real indication we had a two-tiered justice system, but the only way we can nip it in the bud is to (politically and legally) remove everyone remotely connected with it. The tree of liberty part comes only if that doesn’t succeed.
In the meantime, though, you can Buy Me a Coffee, since I have a page there now. You can also like and restack this piece so others can enjoy it.
A person whom I love, that is a long standing Democrat, said it was okay that President Obama drone killed an American citizen since it was in the nation’s best interest. Just a normal Democrat for years. Democrats are saying Trump and his supporters are an existential threat to the nation. It’s about more than being jailed.