Is it any wonder people feel like they are barely treading water?
This week is the week many of us get our bad news. Yes, health insurance premiums are going up again.
While I haven't been at my new job long enough to really compare rates and coverage, we were informed ours was increasing by an unspecified percentage - I think it's in the 5 to 10 percent range if my memory of the old rates serves. Meanwhile, my fiance's employer is seeing increases of between 10 and 13 percent, depending on plan.
Knowing that, I pulled out a calculator and did some quick number-crunching. Based on a 10 percent increase and her rates for a family plan, I deduced the annual deduction would increase by over $1,100.
Now stop and think for a minute. In these days of tight belts but comparatively low inflation otherwise, the average wage-earner gets an increase of 3% this year. Let's say you are a median wage-earner in this region, which is just under $40,000 - I'll make it 40 large for easy figuring. If you figure that 3 percent raise is $1,200, it means almost all of that raise was swallowed by your insurance increase. So much for that vaunted $2,500 annual premium decrease.
And so much for your family vacation, putting aside money for college, and those nice little extras. Add in the increasing deductibles and co-pays and it seems like you got no raise at all - in fact, you may wonder how you will make it through a month when everything seems to be increasing by 3% a month. (Granted, we are catching a break with gas prices edging back down - a $1 decrease per gallon is like a tax-free $400 to $600 annual raise.)
Now I don't blame the insurance companies because they have to keep themselves in business at a time when there are more and more mandates placed on them. (For example, I'm sure a few pennies of that increase go to covering in-vitro fertilization for same-sex couples, which this month became yet another mandate under state law.)
So if you're wondering why you can't seem to get ahead, this little bit of basic math may be an explanation.