Impact of Iowa
Just a few things at first blush...I'll have more reaction in the morning.
Obviously Mike Huckabee overcame some late stumbles to win on the GOP side. But while most of the pundits think these results gravely wounded Mitt Romney, I'm not putting up a post-mortem on him until at least the Florida primary later this month. That contest could be a key for viability for a number of campaigns even though few delegates will be at stake because Florida jumped the gun.
On the Democrat side, finishing Obama, Edwards, Clinton (proportionally the numbers work out about 38-30-30) certainly means the bloom is off the "inevitability" rose for Hillary. But now what will all the jokesters do? It's much more politically incorrect to make fun of Obama than it is to make fun of Hillary - the "testicle lockbox" stuff doesn't work with B. Hussein Obama.
Honestly I don't think Iowa is as conservative a state as most make it out to be. They had a much larger turnout for the Democrats than the GOP, and aside from the really out-there fringe left, went for the two most liberal Democrats (not that there was a whole lot of difference) and the most populist Republican. Since I happen to think Duncan Hunter is the most conservative person in the race, his asterisk performance is disheartening.
Speaking of asterisk performances, I sort of figured we'd lose one or two candidates after Iowa and indeed Chris Dodd has exited the race on the Democrat side. Late word is that Joe Biden is joining him in dropping his bid. A plagiarizer to the last.
With 85% of the vote in on the GOP side, here were the results according to the Des Moines Register:
Mike Huckabee 34%
Mitt Ronmey 25%
Fred Thompson 14%
John McCain 13%
Ron Paul 10%
Rudy Giuliani 4%
Since that adds up to 100% that must mean Duncan Hunter, Alan Keyes, etc. have less than 1 percent. But I think we're going to have everyone stay in on the GOP side at least through New Hampshire, hopefully Duncan Hunter competes better there.
I should have a little more candidate reaction tomorrow and we'll see what develops overnight.
12:15 a.m. - Yes, I'm still up. Michelle Malkin pointed out a piece on Duncan Hunter in New Hampshire today, and I felt compelled to comment quoting a tidbit from Rush's show Thursday afternoon.