I thought I said NEW leadership!
Despite fighting fatigue, I can still smell a rat a mile away.
Slowly but surely, people are beginning to filter into the various races for Republican Party positions. Since I last wrote I received confirmation that Maryland Society of Patriots head Sam Hale is in the race, and Larry Hogan is out. From Hogan's Facebook page:
Many people were pushing me to run for State Party Chairman, and are dissapointed (sic) that I declined the position. I believe in the party, I'm very excited about our potential in Maryland and I do plan to stay very involved. I appreciate all the support, however, as a potential candidate in 2014, I think that it's better for someone else to focus their energies on the state party HQ.
Fair enough. At first glance, Hale is a guy who would match most of what I'd like in a state party Chairman - but I need to learn a lot more.
But there's another candidate who's considering a run, and her infamous words tell you most of what you need to know:
I don’t know if we are going to see another [Republican governor of Maryland] in the next 40 years. It is a shame.”
The woman who uttered these words: Mary Kane, Bob Ehrlich's running mate and probable darling of the establishment set. According to the Washington Post, she's "interested" in making a run. (A tip of the hat goes to Ann Corcoran for spotting this.) Does that quote above square with this tidbit from the Post piece?
"I believe in the Republican Party, and I don't think we should give up on this."
It doesn't sound like you believe in the party too strongly if you dismiss our chances of electing a governor in the next four decades! Richard Cross over at Cross Purposes does a nice job of looking at what the party achieved on a local level (although he missed Wicomico County; I took care of his oversight.)
And, just like the Bushes kept the presidency in the family after the eight-year respite of Bill Clinton, the Kanes may regain control of the Maryland Republican Party after a four-year hiatus where both Jim Pelura and Audrey Scott served as chairs - Mary's husband John was Bob Ehrlich's hand-picked choice to run the MDGOP from 2002-2006. Mr. Kane's legacy is one of defeat - Ehrlich didn't win re-election and the party all but bankrupted itself in the effort to keep him in Government House. (His tenure is part of the reason why the Maryland Republican Party needed its line of credit. Much of the remaining financial problem stemmed from a disastrous year of fundraising in 2007, with the projections likely based on the 2006 budget prepared by John Kane.)
Having only met Mary Kane briefly - most recently at her early voting campaign swing through Wicomico County - I don't have a personal problem with her, but I can't see her prospective tenure as being productive.
As I've pointed out before, the definition of insanity is to do the same thing and expect different results. If the Maryland Republican Party believes it can continue with an "establishment" person at the helm, don't be surprised if we reach heretofore unknown lows in the next election cycle. Such a move will alienate the people the party needs most in the grassroots, and as we saw this time around a lack of grassroots support doomed the Ehrlich/Kane ticket while conservatives like Andy Harris and a number of others at the local level won with strong backing from the heretofore politically inactive.
It's a Pyrrhic victory for the self-appointed party elite to be in charge of a sinking ship, but if conservatives allow the wrong choice to be made December 11th they'll be kicking themselves daily for the next four years.