How the Democrats try and disenfranchise voters
My latest commentary for the Patriot Post.
Here's more proof the left isn't interested in your opinion unless they give it to you.
A couple weeks back on another website I detailed how conservatives in Maryland could score a rare victory based on the response to an ill-advised bill passed by our General Assembly. Having turned in over 60,000 signatures by a first-post May 31 deadline, supporters of a drive to place a recently-passed bill on the ballot for referendum in November 2012 were pleased that over 47,000 of the required names were ruled valid, leaving only about 8,000 remaining to be collected by June 30. In all, backers were hoping 100,000 people would sign their petition.
Their success frightened supporters of the so-called Maryland DREAM Act so much they resorted to a multi-pronged attack on those who oppose the bill. Would-be petition signers were being harassed upon attempting to sign the document in a public place and handed 'Think Before You Ink' flyers containing misleading information. There's even a website with sob stories about immigrant children who would be affected called One Maryland Defense, which calls the petition an " eliminate access to universities for talented Maryland students" by "a small minority of extremists." It featured an attempt to entice people to remove their names from the petition.
(continued at the Patriot Post...)