Hostility to cuts
It's been a little while, but the political hijinks of Cecil County return to my site via a dispatch I received from Bob Willick and their Campaign for Liberty chapter. The purpose of the dispatch was to relay the open hostility from a couple members of their pubic school faculty, making the point that:
Apparently, even though you and I have funded the local school system millions above the maintenance of effort level for years—we are still "slackers."
Thomas went on a public rant last week writing a post on her new blog demanding that citizens fork over whatever outrageous increase CCPS asks for this year.
You see, Cecil School Superintendent, D’Ette Devine, is lobbying the County Executive and County Council for a taxpayer funded $8 million dollar spending hike over last year’s budget.
This when CCPS has been fully funded and given millions in extra funding for years.
Regardless of this fact, some CCPS teachers are showing their disdain for the hard working folks that pay their salary.
These attacks are coming from a government sector employee who receives competitive pay, sick days off, vacation time, summers off and a pension.
Thomas knows that this type of angry rhetoric will motivate the employees of the largest employer in Cecil County (CCPS) to pressure local government to once again award them with more tax payer funds.
Aside from the oversimplification that teaching is a nine-month profession given some of the training they may have to receive during the summers, there is a lot to be said about the Campaign for Liberty's point. How many government agencies are protected by law against cuts in such a way that Maryland public schools receive thanks to "maintenance of effort" laws? The state dictates how much money counties have to fork over in order to match their goals, and whether the county can afford it or not (or passed a revenue cap as Wicomico County did a decade ago) does not matter to the state - if the county doesn't comply the state treasury will hijack the county's allotment of state money and make sure the schools are paid what the state thinks they are due. It's a ridiculous constraint on county budgets.
Whenever conservatives take over in government, the wailing and gnashing of teeth by the Left is all but intolerable. Listen to them whine about cuts to education in the state budget and you'd quickly forget that the allocation to education (both pre-K to 12 and state-funded colleges) increased for the Hogan FY2016 budget - just not as much as the education lobby expected or demanded. Structural deficit be damned, they aren't satisfied with any less than the massive increase they assumed they would get when Anthony Brown was elected.
The same holds true locally. Hours after being sworn in, County Executive Bob Culver announced he wasn't going to borrow for a new West Salisbury Elementary School, triggering outrage in the local community. But after a January tour of the building by experts in the construction field as well as Wicomico Board of Education members and administration, it's been quietly determined that spending $2 million would be enough for most of the desired upgrades. (The cynic in me thinks the folks at West Salisbury just took too much pride in maintenance and didn't let the building go far enough to pieces, as opposed to the former Bennett schools.)
More recently the alarm sounded when Culver brought up the idea of keeping the old Bennett Middle School, which is being replaced by a new building away from the current Bennett High School site, as an office complex for the Wicomico County Board of Education. The Bennett community was outraged as the old middle school is supposed to be torn down for athletic fields to complete the planned three-phase replacement of the old Bennett Middle and High Schools with a new high school building and facilities on the existing Bennett site and a middle school built near Fruitland. (The middle school is slated to open next school year.) Proponents have taken to social media to make their case.
But perhaps the better question no one is asking is why more office space is needed? Over the years claims have been made that county government is very lean, but I question that assessment if the BoE needs more room for administration. The county has already bonded millions for the Bennett construction (among other projects, big and small) so debt service is a concern at our level as well as for the state.
It's a problem because increasing debt load doesn't help citizens in any way but takes money from needed services, such as snow plowing and otherwise maintaining roads. (I say that because the plows just went by here.) It doesn't matter which county you are in, citizens feel they have enough taken from them by government but the public sector demands more. Martin O'Malley's solution of tax increases and additional debt was bad for Maryland, so the new approach promised by Larry Hogan is in the process of being enacted. It's not our fault the schools aren't thrilled about the prospect of making do with less. Welcome to the real world.