Harris update and kudos
Today I got my "weekly update" from the Harris campaign. In this update he talked about a recent house party on his behalf with nearly 80 supporters (must be a big house!) and, more interestingly to me, Harris noted:
I do not always encourage people to read blogs, but two blog posts this week by Streiff at RedMaryland are quite interesting. (links added to original).
I found this interesting because Andy uses the Eastern Shore bloggers, including me, to get his word out. (Also, one article Andy cites on the RM blog refers back to my recent post on the WCRC meeting.) But Red Maryland is an excellent blog to read anyway and a fellow MBA member to boot.
There is one thing I truly appreciate about the Harris e-mail. I don't know if he's reading my mind on this or what, but with it now being after Labor Day and things getting heated up with an early primary on the horizon, I've been mulling restarting the Election Calendar that was a regular Sunday feature during the recent 2006 campaign. Part of his e-mail talks about his upcoming schedule...however, at the moment he's not scheduled for an appearance on the Lower Shore.
Also, Andy is supposed to have a big announcement today. Haven't seen anything on it yet so I guess I'll be watching my e-mail box.