Harris officially in the Congressional race
"In 9 months and 27 days we get America back."
That's how Andy Harris termed the 2010 election as he officially confirmed probably the worst-kept political secret in Maryland and placed himself in the running to oust Frank Kratovil as the First District's Congressman.
After speaking to an audience of 70 in Easton (according to one observer) and earlier stops in Bel Air and Annapolis, Harris greeted over 40 supporters in the metal shop turned announcement location. Observers shivered in the chilly room but were excited by what Harris had to say, interrupting the State Senator with applause several times.
First, though, he was introduced by one of his cohorts.
State Senator Richard Colburn told those present that Harris "knows the Eastern Shore" and would fight to preserve those industries and jobs which define our region - seafood and agriculture. After pointing out some of the half-dozen elected officials in attendance, Colburn praised Andy's work in the State Senate as well, telling us he would be missed after this session.
After Colburn's introduction, Harris strode to the podium and told the chilly crowd, "this kind of business is what the election is all about" as it was one directly impacted by federal policy. It was time to put us back on the path to prosperity because people were telling him "enough is enough."
He recounted the reasons he got into politics in the first place in 1998, as the entrenched incumbent held positions Harris believed were out of step with the district. In contrast, Harris defended his record as one which put families and businesses first.
By the same token, he felt Congress was out to "dismantle" our way of life and make our children worse off than we are. They "attempted to take over" business and health care while "whistling past the graveyard" of mounting deficits.
Harris touched on a number of items he's planning to work on when elected to Congress:
Ending the stimulus and deficit spending. America is saying "enough is enough" to wasteful and excessive government spending.
Patients and doctors making health care decisions, not a one-size-fits-all plan.
A Constitutional amendment for term limits, similar to one recently introduced by Senator Jim DeMint.
No cap-and-trade "schemes" since they'll threaten the area's agricultural tradition.
Stopping the "payoff for union muscle" by killing the legislation enabling "card check," best known by the misnamed "Employee Free Choice Act."
No earmarks - "business as usual" in Washington is the wrong way to do business.
Not voting to maintain Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House.
Perhaps the biggest direct swipe at opponent Frank Kratovil came at a point in Andy's speech where he spoke about Kratovil's pledge of fiscal conservatism while spending $250,000 of taxpayer money to send out several full-color brochures to local supporters and other residents. (For the record, I'm not on that mailing list.)
The overriding theme for Harris, though, was one of "bring(ing) back America from Pelosi and company."
After his remarks, Harris took a few questions from the reporters present. Responding to a question about the election, he termed it "a clear call for changing business as usual in Washington."
The first thing Harris would do if elected? Co-sponsoring the Constitutional amendment for term limits.
Biggest issue? "Getting our jobs back and preserving our heritage."
Which Kratovil votes did you object to most? Harris mentioned the vote for the stimulus bill (after voting against it), the partisan vote to install Pelosi as Speaker, and Kratovil's vote for cap-and-tax, which Harris called, "a jobs bill - for India and China."
It promises to be an interesting campaign, with the "9 months and 27 days" likely to be full of charges and counter-charges and 30-second commercials mainly sponsored by outside interests. This will be fun.
Update: Maryland GOP Party Chair Audrey Scott also chimed in, describing Harris's Annapolis stop:
Yesterday was "Andy Harris for Congress Day" across the State and at the MDGOP headquarters, as State Senator, Andy Harris, announced his candidacy for Congress from Maryland's 1st District. Excitement was high and turnout of supporters and the Party faithful was impressive... the headquaters was packed with enthusiastic, cheering Republicans commited to electing Andy to Congress!
Notable attendees included Former Ambassador Ellen Sauerbrey, and elected officials, Senator Ed Reilly, Delegate James King, Delegate Bob Costa, Delegate Tony McConkey, Delegate Ron George, former Senator Janet Greenip, and County Executive John Leopold, who addressed the crowd in support of Andy Harris. The race is on! Get on the band wagon and help Andy return the 1st District to Republican representation in Congress.
As a general policy, the MDGOP does not get involved in contested primaries. There are many candidates coming forward and those who are not challenged in primaries can count on full State Party participation from the onset. During the General elections, we are supportive of all our Republican candidates.