Happy Thanksgiving 2021
After a hiatus last Thanksgiving, I have returned to write my annual Thanksgiving post. I should explain, though, that the reason there was no holiday post last year wasn't completely the pandemic, but the Wuhan flu did have something to do with it.
For a couple years, we had been taking vacations as a family - the "we" being my wife's extended family of her sisters, assorted husbands, significant others and kids, and her mom. In 2020 we were supposed to go in June, but all the uncertainty over the CCP virus led the sister who planned all this to postpone the trip to Deep Creek Lake, Maryland. I'm not sure who had the bright idea to make it a Thanksgiving excursion, but that's what we did. And I usually don't take my laptop on these trips and didn't think to write a post beforehand. So much for tradition.
This year, thankfully for many reasons, we are back to our usual Thanksgiving arrangement, and you get this post.
Speaking of traditions, I'm completely surprised that more isn't being made that this year is a quadricentennial anniversary of our first Thanksgiving 400 years ago. It makes me wonder what things will be like in five years when America celebrates its 250th birthday, particularly when I remember how we as a nation celebrated the Bicentennial in 1976, when I was 11. I suppose when the 1619 Project and its emphasis on slavery is more of a thing than the 1620 project of pilgrims seeking freedom to worship as they pleased it's a sign of the times.
And I would imagine that people feel less than blessed these days. There is so much uncertainty in the world as people worry about their jobs, health, and families. At the moment I'm blessed enough to enjoy all three, but it takes some work, some vigilance, and some common sense to keep all of these things, and you can't take them for granted. But could you ever?
Each day I try to take a few moments with my Savior and often as part of my prayers I pray a prayer of thanksgiving, even for little things like the opportunity to be with our small group. I probably don't thank the Lord as often as I should for all my blessings: one in this case being the God-given talent of writing and having a place more or less of my own to write at, and another of having readers like you who have cared enough to stop by and see what I have to say. It's not a number that makes me financially wealthy (not that I'm trying too hard to be) but if I steer one in the right direction I consider this a successful venture.
So whether you eat during the Lions game (they're 0-9-1 and playing the 3-7 Bears, so I don't blame you) or eat at dinnertime like we do, just take time to count your blessings, too. I'm going to get back to something I did for a few years and close with Philippians 4:4. Have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.