Happy Thanksgiving 2018
In Ecclesiastes 1:9 we are told "there is no new thing under the sun." This Biblical line is well-suited for my message this year, as I was tempted to put last year's back up because it pretty much still applies. I still like growing older with my wife.
I suppose, though, there are some things that have changed, even if they're not really new. Since matters electoral remain the bread and butter of my writing it's worth noting that politically we are entering a brave new world of divided government under a populist Republican president - the last time that happened I was still in college. (That, kids, was a looooong time ago.) I guess I should be thankful the "blue wave" didn't crest as high as once thought.
One thing about our present climate still bothers me, though. Too many people can't get along because they see the political registration, hear the wrong talking points, or walk around in different colored hats. It seems lately, though, that I talk online quite a bit more to Democrats than I do Republicans. (Those folks I catch offline, as you'll find why in a bit.) Sure, the Democrats know I'm barely left of militia but we can talk about issues and choose to disagree or occasionally even find a patch of common ground. It's a good balance because most of my church family leans to the right, and I'm sure a few of them may, from time to time, fall short when it comes to decorum with those on the other side politically. I try not to, although the "progressives" make it difficult sometimes!
So I suppose that besides the obvious blessings I have of food, family, friends, a steady place of employment, and roof over my head, I should give great thanks for being blessed with the insight to see beyond the political labels and into the content of character. I can't say I'm completely immune from getting my exercise through jumping to conclusions, but I feel like I'm getting better about it. Heck, even my in-laws don't always agree with me but we still get along all right.
Anyway, I am going to conclude by taking one bit of license from previous writing because I still like the material:
Some of our prayers are simple expressions of thanks for His works, and it’s with that in mind that I hope you share today that which you are thankful for with our Creator. I understand for some that list may be far too short, and for others I'll grant that they haven’t quite learned their long list of blessings is there in no small part thanks to His intercession. (I think He is certainly approving of the endeavors and efforts one undertakes in pursuit of those blessings, though.)
So I pray that all of you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. Enjoy your dinner, friends, and family, and (above all) count your blessings.
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. (Philippians 4:4)