Happy Thanksgiving 2017
As is tradition, I'm going to count my blessings on this day of giving thanks.
The last year has had its share of tumult and chaos for our God-blessed nation, but there are still things for which we all should be thankful; first and foremost that we still have the freedom to do so. Those of us who are seeing our families can count that as a blessing too, although we shouldn't forget to say a Thanksgiving prayer for those who chose to be in harm's way for us as we celebrate the holiday. There are a number of young men that I know who are going to join that group in the coming months as they complete school so this time next year they will be included in that prayer.
In reading last year's message, I noted my gratefulness to have a full-time job, but the good Lord has blessed me still further by bringing me back to my old company. This development lent new meaning to the phrase "circle of life." It's almost like everything old is new again in a way. In that same vein I will likely be with most of the same company today to celebrate the holiday, with one certain subtraction being the late husband of my sister-in-law.
But I'm still blessed with family and those friends who have stuck with me in the post-political phase of my life. Things were still a little bit raw at this time last year, but I think time is healing whatever wounds we might have unless we wish to keep on inflicting them upon ourselves.
If I were to have a blessing I were to be thankful for - besides the obvious ones of my wife and family - it would be the gift I was given to put words together in ways that people enjoy reading, and that make a positive difference in the world. Rush Limbaugh often speaks of his "talent on loan from God" and I have no other explanation for what I have, either: my father's been a common laborer his whole life and my mom worked for a bit as a secretary before my late older brother was born, or so I'm told. Back then being a high school graduate was enough to make your way in the world and that's what they did. So I also should be grateful to be blessed with the opportunity to be able to carve out the time to work on things like my website and my upcoming book, which as I write this is closing in on the halfway point in the first draft.
But I'm going to close by quoting myself from last year, because I liked what I wrote then and still do today.
Some of our prayers are simple expressions of thanks for His works, and it’s with that in mind that I hope you share today that which you are thankful for with our Creator. I understand for some that list may be far too short, and for others they haven’t quite learned that their long list of blessings is there in no small part thanks to His intercession. (I think He is certainly approving of the endeavors and efforts one undertakes in pursuit of those blessings, though.)
So I pray that all of you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. Enjoy your dinner, friends, and family, and count your blessings.
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. (Philippians 4:4)